ASKA Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I would like to know this answer too, a few of the mods for the game didnt even work before the update

PREACH BROTHER!!! i believe you speak for a majority of us here on this game

For me everything was working before Major update for ASKA

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WoW… So you all left C-H to come here and bitch about someones efforts to keep you quiet, that’s really sad. Upto the Mod or Group Owner and Partners to ban you lot so you can go back to C-H.

Onto the real issue, I have tested so far:

Unlimited HP - Broken
Unlimited Hunger - Broken
Unlimited Thirst - Broken
Strong Body Temperature Resistance - Broken
Unlimited Stamina - Working

Add Items on Use - Working
Unlimited Durability and Freshness - Working

Ignore Crafting Materials - Broken
Both adding and reducing time by 1hr - Working
Freezing Time - Working
Edit Day of the Year - Working - but it’s sketchy at best.
Game Speed - Working

Multiply Move Speed - Working

Well that’s the testing done for this game, will be boosting this game for quick update.
Thanks Much @ColonelRVH.


You’ll probably find they’re using outdated pirated games, why some of the mods never work when updated for them.

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  1. Unlimited HP
  2. Unlimited Hunger
  3. Unlimited Thirst

trainer requires update

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Hey!Thanks for the information! It’s currently in the testing queue. After it’s been tested, it’ll be considered for the creator queue if it requires an update. For now, you may want to use the Notify Me button once you clicked Learn Moreif you would like to be informed when updates are made.


Also unsure if it is a known issue but the “add items on use” does work but does not allow for the new items to be used in blueprints, crafting, building etc. The number of items in the inventory doesnt change but the game still sees your character as not having enough materials.


can only get unlimited stamina and unlimited durability & freshness to work since latest update

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same for me Update would b great ! Thanks for your Work !


Me too! I’m just another person that would love an Update for Aska pleaseeee! its been months and things are broken after the patch. Thank you so much!


Just another bump. Excited for the update!

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excited for new update love the game and the trainer


Can’t wait for the update :smiley: , some do still work for now.

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The ASKA cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Hey there ,“Ignore crafting materials” doesnt work

The “ignore crafting materials” is still broken. Or is it only for the low level items like rope. Anything above that the reciept is still there and the materials are required (ie large stone axe you have to have all material for first). Also when building a structure you have to have all materials also, so if that’s suppose to be included then it’s not and is broken. (maybe we are just expecting more from the “ignore crafting material” and assuming its ignores all crafting material). Also just want to say thanks for the quick update of the mods, they do make the game a little less grindy and worry some.

Works as designed, only low level crafting items (B) like rope, fishing bait, etc

I would love to see some of the new things introduced in the patch added, like the ability to change the length of the day/night or the legth of the year. Thanks

I hope the update comes soon, cause with the new update this cheat/trainer is working more against then it helps. I only use move speed atm