Assassins Creed 3 Tool

Game Title: Assassin’s Creed 3

Game ID: 555308AE

Mods Wanted: Ability to mod money and amount of items in the inventory.

There is two saves I didn’t know which one to upload so I have done both.



Additional Comments:
Money: £3265
Pistol ammo: 8
Bow ammo: 3
Rope Darts: 4
Smoke Bombs: 1
Poison Darts: 2
Trip Mine: 1
Snares: 6
Bait: 7

Note: When you become Connor in the campaign your money gets reset.

Do both saves have different stats? If not then I’d reupload a new save with different stats because it’s easier to find locations while comparing.

I don’t know what save B is for i’ve only made one save but it shows A and B in my hard drive.

For Assassins creed games there are always an “A” & “B” save.

Good to know I had been wondering about that (just started playing Brotherhood) my problem with it was I modded but saves and got no in game affect.

What is B for?

A) your save B) autosave?

Maybe but don’t see why they would do that when they can do it in one save.

That makes no since, your autosave will also serve as a backup. If they were contained in one file and it got lost/corrupt then you would be completely SOL

What i’m saying is most games just have one save and they have autosave on them, why would assassins creed need one just for autosaving?

Other games do use a seperate save file for an auto save. Infact, many games use it.
What Save A would normally be is where you saved at a save point. Save B is more then likely an auto save from a check point you hit.

Click them both and see which one has the latest time played, and that’s more then likely your saved point, or your autosave depending on when you turned the xbox off.

Actually most games that have an auto feature do the exact opposite and Assassins Creed is simply doing what a lot of games do.

I apologise then as I didn’t know. This is just the first game i’ve come across with that. Anyway i’m sorry.

From what i have seen you will have 2 saves. Your save then the auto save. The auto save will save its own stuff your save you can make as many as you want. Skyrim/Dishonered do this.

Let’s stay on topic, the OP looks fine to me, thanks for using the correct format.

Can’t wait for mod tool for this game

Save A - Sinlge Player
Save B - Online/Useless

For modding career you use SAVE A

theres already a assassin creed 3 mod wow fast

XPG has a mod tool in the beta stage.

In horizon?