Assassin's Creed Origins Cheats and Trainer for Origin

This is the official discussion topic of the Assassin’s Creed Origins Trainer and Cheats.

The Assassin’s Creed Origins cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 12 cheats

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

I have begun many searches for the .exe file, but alas I have returned to the fold to ask anyone who may have used this under uplay’s launcher? HELP

(Live 1 more day)


you should make it so we can hav inf silica

Can we get a free camera cheat? :slight_smile:

Can we get a trainer for the Epic Games Store version, please?

Have you tried the Steam trainer? Most Steam trainers also work on the Epic Games version of the game and vice versa.

We only make trainers for games on each platform if they are popular enough amongst WeModders in the community on that platform, which is detected automatically by the software. :slight_smile:

Instead of One Hit Kill, It would be better if there would’ve been damage multiplier.

How can I use the Teleport? I follow the instructions, but it never works. Thank you!

Assassins creed origins cheats need mod for ship invincibility. If you cant get past the ship battles you cannot progress game and pc controls hard to use especially if you have limited hand movement due to permanent injury as I do

Welcome to the community @Walkingturtle48.

And thank you for your suggestion. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear this. May I recommend Access? It’s a brand new (as of the time of this post) controller designed by Sony specifically targeted for gamers with accessibility troubles in gaming: Access controller | A customizable, adaptive controller kit for PS5 | PlayStation (UK).

PS controllers can be used on PC games via most PC game launchers, such as Steam.

Alternatively, Xbox also has an accessibility controller, but it is more limited and takes up a ridiculous amount of space: Xbox Adaptive Controller | Xbox. It’s more akin to a DJ set than a controller.

Depending on your country’s regulations, you may also be able to get a government grant to help you buy accessibility equipment, potentially such as the Access controller, though there’s no guarantee here.

Everything works fine, except inf oxygen. Instead of breathing like a fish, you suffocate instantly and lose health.