ASTRONEER Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

The ASTRONEER cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Using latest version and crashes at every attempt to play. Tried switching each mod on and off and seems to be around unlimited bytes, but cant be sure…

I have played happily for over an hour with all mods on except unlimited bytes. That causes game to crash every time.

for me nothing works cant activate no option

The ASTRONEER cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

The ASTRONEER cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

First thank you for these mods, they work great mostly.

I seem to be having an issue where when I use the Quick Backpack mod to create something, I then cannot use any shredders with any item. I put an item in the shredder and it just disappears.

If I restart the game I can use the shredders again UNTIL I use the backpack to create something.

I am using XBOX Game Pass for the PC.


The ASTRONEER cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

is there a way to add a item spawner basically you select a slot in the backpack and a item and hit a button and it replaces the item or if its empty just puts it there i know about the easy craft but it would be nice to have a other option

My game is closing every time i connect wemod is that normal?

im havng the same problem i cant get it to run with wemod runs fine normally

Yup, the game closes every time I try to open it with mods. Unfortunate

as of dec its be crashing after script injects

Yeah the game is crashing with current mod patch (latest one is 11/14/24 when posting this)


So when im launching astroneer from the xbox app and then launche the mod it keep crashing (even if i start it with the mod))

any suggestion on what to do?

Hi! Can you try to disable the wemod overlay before cliking Play on WeMod? Let us know if it makes any difference.

Thank you it works great now!!

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I have the same issue when i launch it from the microsoft store, or the wemod app

I’m having the same issue. Everytime I open wemod with Astroneer it just crashes and when I turn off the overlay, the mods don’t work at all :confused: Any fix known?