Baldur's Gate 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I’m having no issues.

Shocked to see no money cheat for a game like this only cheat i would ever really use honestly hopefully it can be added at least when the trainers outta date the game can’t take the money back =)

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another hotfix today… given how often this could be happening, is it viable to expect a working mod for this game?

also, if we could wish list items, would love to be able to have a cheat on spells, skills, feats, and stats <3

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I’m also unable to re-enable the cheats once I’ve toggled them on and off once.

I thought money is an item so it would get effected by the items cheat no?.

It doesn’t. It only works on items during combat.

Yeah I tried that method and for me it just doesn’t work. I still manage to take damage from the enemy regardless.

The game was recently updated. Therefore the trainer will also need to be updated.

You can request updates via the WeMod desktop app.
This link explains how:

The more requests it has via this method, the higher up the development queue the trainer climbs. :slight_smile:

If the button to request an update is not visible for you, see here for the explaination:

Unlimited items only works on consumable items like potions from what I’ve observed. Spending money at a vendor will still use gold, splitting the pile will just split the item and trying to drop the split gold to ground to pick it up again doesn’t work.


Very excited to see this already having a trainer, Even if the compatibility is iffy at the moment due to frequent updates. One thing that I would like is maybe being able to pick spells or cantrips from other class trees, Or maybe the ability to up the limit of cantrips and spells you currently have. Being able to pick more than one feat or feature at level 2 would be delightful as well. If any of these things are possible, I’d enjoy them immensely, But either way thank you for what you have already currently provided.

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Anyone else having the issue where if you toggle the cheat on it just toggles off right away? As well if you toggle the cheats on the way they are described to be used and still dont work? I have experienced this problem multiple times today. So i was just wondering if its just me or if others are experiencing the same issue.

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The issue I have experienced is not the same as yours , however strange when its my turn and using the F2 the game freezes and crashes most of the time especially when more than 2 opponents in the area, could be that the game still has bugs :slight_smile:

Est-il possible de faire en sorte que les cheats Unlimited Health et Unlimited Mouvement affecte que le joueur?

C’est vraiment pas pratique et j’avoue que ça fonctionne pas vraiment…

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Most of the cheats example unlimited items, mega exp toggle back off immediately after use. Unlimited health and unlimited movement both toggle on but are not active in game eg they do nothing even if used before turn ends and on turn as directed the only one i can get to actually work is unlimited weight.


I just tried the trainer and none of the cheats worked, I sincerely appreciate the hard work on this one as its going to be a big game!

The only thing that works for me is the mega xp, the other 4 (unlimited moves, unlimited health, unlimited items & unlimited weight) do nothing. I don’t know why that might be.

Read previous posts in the thread before posting. Especially the staff posts that are visbily highlighted for you to read.

See this post: Baldur's Gate 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This thread will now be locked until an update is released, due to people not reading before posting and pushing important information from staff out of view.

The trainer should be in working order now :slight_smile: