Baldur's Gate 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I don’t know how to use cheat engine. And my anti-virus removes it even if I set permissions to allow it.

Hello, can we have a “set X ability score at Y value”?


how do i get the unlimited items cheat to work. i ended up buying a sub with another trainer that works by turning it on and then spliting the item stack, i.e. if you have 2 split it into 99 or whatever. i prefer wemod and love your trainer but i can’t get the trainer to work for unlimited item. i tried the advice to make sure the trainer is launching from bg3.exe . any more suggestions?

this trainer breaks my game when i use one hit kill it works the first time i use it and then it stops working and the enimies take no damage no matter what i do i had to delete the entire saved games and prefrences folder and restart only for it to work the first battle on the ship and then once you get to the planet it breaks the game and enimies take no damage and yes i turn it on only when it battles and turn it off when battle is over like it says some one help!!!

The Max Stats cheat does not seem to work :frowning:

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Can there please be an option for adding money? :smiley: I’m poor af and would like to change that xd

The only options that are turning on when I play are Easy Rolls and Unlimited Weight. I’ve gone to pro so I can toggle, tried the quickkeys, no such luck, they immediately go to off shortly after turning them on

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I have had that happen when I do the game though the wemod instead of just starting the game through steam. I just restart wemod and it works fine after that

The Baldur’s Gate 3 cheats have been updated!


  • Weak Enemies cheat added
  • Unlimited Gold cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Thanks for the unlimited gold addition, much appreciated.

Unfortunately, the max stats option stopped working with hotfix #6, I started a new playthrough and it no longer works :frowning: Any chance for an update?

Seems like the unlimited movement and items are not working. Probably because of the hotfix #6

unlimited weight is broken at times as well

Max stats option just stopped working and I’m not sure why. Anyone else have this happen? Is there a fix?

I’ve tried everything in the comments to get any of these modes to work on BG3 with no success. I have no difficulty using WeMod with any other games. I’m confident they will eventually work, but I’ve had no luck. I keep trying every other week or so.

I support what @archangel2k12 said.
I play BG3 from Steam. I click on Play icon as instructed and the only cheats that can be enabled are Unlimited Weight and Easy Rolls and even enabled they don’t work.

I am running the latest version of BG3 - v4.1.85.5707

Strange last game update was December 15th and the trainer was updated on the 20th
I guess you guys have waited to press play after the game is already running ?
And just a reminder this is not to be used online, singleplayer only.

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Might want to put a warning on the max stats cheat, if you use that cheat as a spell caster before having 16 spells or more, you will be unable to level up, as you are required to have sixteen spells prepared. The only spellcaster that is safe from this is the Cleric, for they get access to all their spells right out the gate.

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I had honestly sort of tried that before but it didn’t work…anywho, this DID get it working for me now that I did that the right way. Thank you!
Hoping the next update will have an answer for the stats preventing casters from leveling…

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So I enjoy the cheats makes it easier for me to get into the story but the game keeps crashing when I am using them is there a way for me to get the game to stop crashing?

The cheats were great, now all of a sudden they’re not working, I am guessing this has to do with the new update to the game? I’ve followed the instrucitons of launching wemod, then when in game trying to activate the cheats, they worked two days ago, now they do not.

Will the trainer be updated or more added?