how to fix Battlefield 4 not working not working wemod i play game and cheate and button not working
I am also have the same problem. Game open, tab out, activate infinity, only get a check for a second before it turns off. I opened the ctrl+shift+d console and it says this:
vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1 ERROR [trainer] An error occured. Last Win32: 0x00000000
e.(anonymous function) @ vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1
e.ConsoleAppender.e.error @ vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1
(anonymous) @ vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1
(anonymous) @ app-bundle-5cf6613ebf.js:1
n @ vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1
e.EventAggregator.e.publish @ vendor-bundle-d8a028b93d.js:1
e.handleLogMessage @ app-bundle-5cf6613ebf.js:1
(anonymous) @ app-bundle-5cf6613ebf.js:1
emitOne @ events.js:96
emit @ events.js:191
readableAddChunk @ _stream_readable.js:178
Readable.push @ _stream_readable.js:136
onread @ net.js:560
List looks a lot shorter than the other guyâs, so i hope this helps.
Do you have an antivirus?
I have Avast Internet security. Could it be blocking it? I checked the firewall and it allows access in and out for wemod.
Ya antivirus is usually one of the main reasons trainers donât work
Win32 error 0 means trainer couldnât be injected. My guess is itâs the anvtivirus blocking interprocess injection.
What should I do to fix it? My firewall isnât blocking it, or it shouldnât be.
Hello. I also have the issue BUT Battlefield 1 trainer made by @STN works (except infinite ammo and health). I wonder if BF4 was updated from the revolution update.
This is what I get. Same issue. Playing SP trying to use infinity, it loads, check mark comes up for literally one sec then goes away. Edit: I also tried turning off my AntiVirus
Yeah I tried everything and it still doesnât work I think it just needs to be updated.
Are you guys running 32bit or 64bit version of the game?
64 bit
it says x86
x86 is 32bit
ok thx, but how do I fix the trainer?
i too am having this problem
Hey i am having issues on battlefield 4 as well is there anyone help me out? because when i turn on the cheat it just go back as play button i try uninstalled the game and re download the game of battlefield 4. After that it is same thing i am stuck on this please help me if you can.
Trainer machine roke.
so it not working?