1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stamina
3. Infinite Gent Pipe Charges
4. No Ability Cooldown
5. Invisibility
6. Set Slugs
7. Set Cards
8. Set Batteries
9. Set Parts
10. Set Toolkits
11. Set Battery Casings
12. Health Upgrade Level
13. Stamina Upgrade Level
14. Ability Upgrade Level
15. One-Hit Kills
16. Set Brightness
17. Game Speed
18. No Crouch Slowdown
19. No Clip
20. Walk Speed Multiplier
21. Run Speed Multiplier
22. Jump Height
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Hello guys, I’m not sure if it’s the game or not, whenever I have the cheats turned off, when I go to pause the game to save, the game crashes, it doesn’t if I don’t have WeMod running, but if I do, and if all cheats are turned off, the game still crashes.
It must of crashed on me so many times yesterday that now I feel because of the game being a nightmare, I think my save file is now corrupted, so have to start over. I know the first game had issues, so I’m fully sure it’s the game and not WeMod. Thanks guys. ~ Khione.
Requesting a cheat to either disable the Ink Demon from showing up (but won’t disable scripted events), or a cheat to disable being killed by him if you don’t hide in time.
…I want that ‘complete the game without dying’ achievement, and it’s next to impossible (for me).
…Unless the Invisible cheat works for this (where the Ink Demon doesn’t ‘see’ you not hiding and assumes you are when the 5 second countdown ends).