Bioshock Infinite General Troubleshooting
Unfortunately, using cheats in Bioshock Infinite does cause a few issues. Bioshock is not particularly cheat-friendly. Here is some troubleshooting for everyone:
Salt bar is empty
This is a side-effect of cheating in the game. It is caused by every trainer I have used on the game, not just those available on WeMod. It’s only visual so you’ll learn to live with it.
Possession spell does not work
Again, this is a side-effect of cheating in the game. And again it occurs no matter what trainer you use, WeMod’s or not. You’ll have to get through the game without using this spell.
The salt bar is huge
Another side effect of cheating that occurs with every single trainer in existence, not just WeMod’s. It’s only visual so you’ll learn to live with it. It may reset back to normal size when you reload the game.
The carbine rifle is overpowered and does mega damage
The carbine rifle (which is quite rare in the game) is the most overpowered weapon in the game to begin with, especially with the upgrades boosting its damage even more. Sadly another side effect of cheating with trainers (all of them, not just WeMod’s) makes the Carbine even more overpowered for some reason. If you don’t like 1-shotting enemies, you’ll have to simply not use the carbine rifle.
Can’t pick up infusions in the Comstock Center Rooftop part of the game
In order to progress with the game, a quest requires you to collect all the infusion bottles in a room in part of the Comstock Center Rooftops part of the map. However, with cheats activated, your infusions are already maxed. To fix this:
- Exit the game and go back to your Desktop.
- Launch the game again. Do not press Play in WeMod.
- Load the game from Comstock Center Rooftops. You will get a warning about overwriting an autosave, just go ahead (the last autosave is at the start of this level, you will not lose any progress).
- Collect everything in the room, including from the tray of the woman blocking the door.
- Only after you have left this room, alt+tab to WeMod and activate the cheats.
Cheats sometimes stay on when turned off.
This is also related to the game, specifically how the save files work. For example, disabling the salt-related cheats will not return the salt bar back to “normal”.
If you do not wish to use cheats, you may need to start a new game with WeMod fully closed.
These are issues that cannot be fixed by a trainer update. They will occur in the game no matter what trainer you use because, as said at the start of the post, Bioshock is very anti-cheat. Cheating in all Bioshock games, not just Infinite, will cause some issues. It’s not something WeMod can fix, it’s a game issue not a trainer issue.