Black Ops 2 Map Pack DLC! - "Revolution" Release Date, Details, Pictures!


I just googled that and there are no official words on it it seems. Care to link an official statement?

This literally just came out. But I think this is legit because I mean it’s at gamestop and idk how and where could you start at to even fake this.

That’s not my point. I’m asking where is it proving that the pictures are actually at a gamestop and that it is a real ad. This is probably fake to be honest.

Actually, it’s in a different time set. If you look at it, the zombies look like modern soldiers and the buildings are definitely modern.

You know the bus driver in Tranzit sometimes talk about time traveling? Well here it is!

And it would be hard to fake this, gnoemesayin…

Peacekeeper SMG, Looks interesting.

Trust me man, I would never upload or even share this if this was fake. All I know is my friend sent me those screenshots and that’s it. Just wait for a few more days or so and it might be on there website or even watch there twitter. If it is fake I’m pretty sure one of them will infact spot it out.

You just told me to base my trust on this video on someone I have never met. I hope it’s not real, as these photos are terrible for an advertisement for a game this big. Either bad photoshopping, or Treyarch really is not puttin any effort into this. The fact of the matter is you posted this without saying it was a rumor. Seems like everyone is “milking the cow” when it comes to views these days.

Well, we will see.

Does it really look fake to you? I mean even if it is does the work look that bad I mean how much better do you want a game DLC add to look? I am very excited for the next zombies map and the picture made me think of Chernobyl and how awesome it would be to play on a map like that especially if you’ve seen the movie Chernobyl Diaries.

lol hypocrite

This is called “marketing”. My wife is an ASM at our local Gamestop and they’ve gotten theirs in but haven’t put it up yet. This is real. You can see over the posters into the rest of the store.


Thank you someone has eyes :thumbsup:

This looks pretty sweet! Can’t wait for some more Zombies action! :smiley:

That’s be a sick map for zombies.

Which one would be the zombie map then?

Because I love the zombies in Black Ops 2 especially transit


Honestly I think this is legit. There’s no real sign that it’s not legit, and it looks about right. About time they add weapons with DLC. If it’s not real, who cares we’ll get something along the lines of this whenever the DLC is announced.

It’s probably legit, these things always get leaked early.

Yeah, I think this one is legit:thumbsup: