Black Ops 2 Prestige Glitch Discovered


As apposed to someone who hit level 55 no prestige without modding or boosting:


When Treyarch patch things, they don’t really give you an Xbox live update. The game updates itself without your consent, it’s Treyarch’s stealth way of patching glitches :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s already patched but thanks for the update News bot.

You can still do it if someone still has it loaded. I doubt that someone still has it loaded though :stuck_out_tongue:

Has anyone been banned or reset?


I just bought cod waw, cod 4, dead island and gta 4. So if I get banned I have plenty of games to play. I had all these games before but I traded them in

Considering this is patched I no longer see a need for this thread to remain open.
