A glitch for Blacks Ops 2 has surfaced that is allowing users to instantly rank to level 55 without the need of modified consoles or joining modded lobbies.What do users need to do to take advantage of this glitch? …watch a video.A source familiar with the situation informs us that the glitch is real and Treyarch seem none the wiser, yet!Surely by the end of the day, there will be hundreds of players that will have taken advantage of the glitch while it works. But The Tech Game is here to warn you that Treyarch will catch and punish anybody caught abusing the glitch. If you don’t believe us, then here is a copy of Treyarch’s Code of Conduct:“Modding/HackingAny user who runs a modified version of game code or uses a modified game profile is subject to penalty.First offense: User will be permanently banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset, and will be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.Console users in possession of illegally acquired content will also be reported to console manufacturers. PC users on Steam will be reported to the Steam enforcement team.Unsupported Peripheral Devices & ApplicationsAny user who utilizes an unsupported external hardware device or application to interact with the game is subject to penalty. Unsupported peripheral devices and applications include but are not limited to modded controllers, IP flooders and lag switchesMinor offense: User will be temporarily banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset and will have their leaderboard entries deleted.Extreme or repeat offenses: User will be permanently banned from playing the game online, will have their stats & emblems reset, and will be blocked permanently from appearing in leaderboards.BoostingAny user who colludes with another user to exploit the game for the purpose of gaining XP, prestige, game score, weapon level, or in-game unlock is subject to penalty. “This glitch will probably qualify as a minor offence, but for those that have repeated it multiple times to reach prestige level 10, expect to be banned!
I know there are tons of exploits in the engine, but Treyarch has taken it to a whole new level if people can now exploit video playing code. >_>
Well good thing I got a lot of new games or I may have done this and may be getting banned
I stopped hacking with Call of Duty because now I guess they permanent ban your profile for it.
Took them long enough.
Am pretty sure alot of people are going to get banned.
They’re already working on the fix. Theater and Emblem editors are disabled.
Wow!!! There really cracking down on Black Ops 2…
I don’t **** with Cod modding anymore. My Main with 7 years got ****ing permabanned for mw3.
Maybe they should just upgrade the goddamn engine to fix all of the exploits that are extremely easy to do game after game after game…
people are going to get banned.
I done it and have still yet to be banned, But they have fixed this glitch now also, So maybe the ban hammer could be coming. I couldn’t care any less then i do now anyway
They can’t ban everyone who did it. Simply put, THEY ****ed it all up. If I play a game and make a video, and then go watch it and BOOM I become level 55, that doesn’t mean I did it intentionally or even knew about the glitch - unless of course you do it multiple times.
I’ll give it a try once to see if it really has been patched because I haven’t received any BO2 updates today. Just have to find a video that will work.
Hasnt this happened before? With the theater and that stuff? Wait a second.
Wasn’t it something similar when MW3 came out and the hacks and cheats from MW2 worked right away without any issue???
Now the theatre glitch from BO1 works in BO2 - #whatashock #lazydevelopers
They haven’t patched it but simply just disabled watching videos until they do patch it, Check Treyarch’s twitter
Luck I only got it to level 55 0th prestige then.
Has anyone been banned or reset? I’m not home so can’t check
Yep they can. All that needs to be done is a quick scan and if your stats do not match your ranks then you get smashed with the hammer. I was in a lobby with a 10th prestige with 30 kills and 3 wins, So legit.