Black Ops 2 Ultimate Zombie Guide | Crafting, Secret Locations, Perks, and More!

[size=20]Blacks Ops 2 Zombies isn’t only about survival skills – the Tranzit campaign mode has a lot to offer players with rewards and achievements, not to mentions hours of entertainment and challenge.

The Tranzit mode is divided into a number of maps, which a player visits around and completes objectives in. The travelling from one map to the other is done on a bus, which is an integral part of the Tranzit mode.

Each map has one or the other thing to offer, and there are multiple items that can be found (and made). First, let’s go over the maps. [/size]

Green Run Tranzit

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[size=20]There are five maps in Green Run Tranzit mode, of which 3 are Green Run maps that are also featured in Survival mode.

The maps are:

  • Bus Depot
  • Diner
  • Farm
  • Power House
  • Town

Bus Depot, Farm, and Town are also featured in Survival mode.[/size][/details]

How To Travel To Secret Locations

[details=Open Me]
[size=20]Starting at the Bus Depot, the player has to kill zombies and carry out certain objectives, and then ride on the bus that awaits him/her outside. The bus then makes a stop at the different maps.

On the way, there are some additional locations that a player encounters. These are:[/size]

Encountered from Bus Depot to Diner. There are two places on the left where items can spawn.

Corn Field
Along route from Power House to Town.

Nacht Der Untoten
This is actually found to the right in the Corn Field. The path is narrow and easy to miss. Two items can spawn here.

Power Tower
In the Corn Field on the left side.

Past the Corn Field – towards the right. There will be some fire on the ground to the right, which will lead to the Cabin.[/details]

Tranzit Bus Upgrades

[details=Open Me]
[size=20]The bus that you are travelling on can be upgraded to fend off zombies easily by finding items scattered through the tranzit campaign. These upgrades are:

Plow– This item attaches to the front and instantly kills zombies in front of the bus as it moves, preventing them from coming in front and climbing up.

Roof Hatch – It gives you access to the roof of the bus from inside; however, there is only one roof hatch. It can also be used to access the rooftop of the Diner where electrified knuckles can be bought for #6,000. These knuckles replace your knife and do one-shot-kill until level 15.

Ladder– This item allows you to climb to the roof of the bus from the left side of the bus.[/size]

[size=20]Each item will be randomly spawned within these four locations and must have a turbine to access them

Location 1 is right when you start right next to the turbine crafting table. Item will be located to the right as you walk through the door

Location 2 is located to the left of the garage and diner. Item will be in the back left corner

Location 3 will be in the back of the farm, just left of the house. Item will be located to your left next to the tractor[/size]

Location 4 is located in the town. Just keep going stright in the bus’ stop direction and once you hit the end, look right and there is the other door


Buildable Items – Parts Locations

[details=Open Me][size=20]There are certain items that can be made in the Tranzit mode which will give you additional benefits to increase your survivability and the effectiveness of your equipment. Each item though has 3 sub-items, which are required to be assembled on a build table.

You can only carry one part to the table at a time, and you drop the part if you are knocked down. Zombies will generally try to destroy the parts that you place on the build table if you are near it, so it is advisable to leave the table once you have placed the part.

The items and their sub-items are given below:[/size]

[size=20]Map. Bus Depot
Parts. Mannequin, Fan, Dolly
Parts Location. Look for the Fan Blade on seats, Mannequin Torso leaning against sign and Dolly near lockers.

You will find all these parts in the starting locations. You can build this item and use to open the door that requires power. You can use that door to go outside and this way; you will be saving $750 which otherwise had to spend on opening the door. You can use turbine to power the Electric Trap and Turret items as well as open the Pack a Punch room.

At the Diner, Farm and Town map; you will need a turbine to open different doors. Furthermore, you can use turbine to turn on all perk machines. Turning on the perk machine will allow you to buy the perk, but you will need to switch on the power to use it. If you switch off the power, your perks stop working. Turbine will break after a number of uses even when it isn’t attacked by zombies.[/size]

Zombie Shield
[size=20]Map. Diner
Parts. Dolly, Car Door
Parts Location. You will find the Car Door in garage and Dolly in Diner.

You can use this shield to bash zombies. It has limited durability, and you don’t earn any points. It will break after a set number of uses, but it provides excellent defense, and you can use it to create a barrier. When you aren’t using it, zombie shield protects you from being hit by zombies from behind and surprisingly, this doesn’t affect its durability

The car door is located to the left of the crafting table in the garage next to the diner and to the right of the crafting table.[/size]

[size=20]Map. Farm
Parts. RPD, Lawn Mower, Ammo Pouch
Parts Location. You will find the machine gun in house or at barn. Look for the Ammo Pouch in the living room or the kitchen of the house. Finally, you will find the Lawnmower around the sides of the house.

It’s an excellent offense weapon that can guard a point of interest or a pathway. You will need turbine to run it, and it will fire at zombies whenever they come within its range in front of it.[/size]

Electric Trap
[size=20]Map. Power House
Parts. Battery, Rod, Base
Parts Location. You will find the rod by the windows up stairs from the bench. Batter on some barrels and Tesla Ball assembly (base) beside the Tombstone Soda.

Electric Trap requires a turbine to run, and it will cause zombies to attack it. Be careful around it; it can even knock you down.[/size]

Thrustodyne Aeronautics Model 23 (Air Cannon)
[size=20]Map. Town
Parts. Jet Engine, Handle, Light, Wires
Parts Location. You will find the Jet Engine in the tunnel between Bus Stop #1 and #2. Wires can be found in the same area as the Electric Trap parts. Look for the headlight in the cabin where Bowie Knife is; between Bus Stop #4 and #5. You will find the handle in World at War map section on the right stop of the road between Bus Stop #3 and #4.

Air Cannon as the name suggests blows wind on zombies has limited durability. It has a gauge on top of it, which shows how high the pressure is. It has 15 seconds of continuous fire power, but it doesn’t affect the Lightning Guy.

If you increase the pressure to max, it will explode in your hand, and parts will scatter nearby. To avoid that you can allow the pressure to return to zero, it will make you move slower when it is out. You can gather the parts and re-build it from the items on the workbench. Only one member of your team can have Air Cannon (Wonder Weapon), and it is required for the Easter Egg.

The first part (jet) is located in the tunnel by the M16

The second piece can be found on the WaW Map in between 3rd and 4th stop. When youre on the bus, look for a light that will be flickering on an off, unless power is on then its green. Take that corn trail to your right and keep on going and will force you to go left. Once you make that turn, look to your right as you are moving forward for another small path which leads you to the first zombie map. The next piece should be to the right on the shelf

The third piece is the wire located in the power room. It spawns in multiple locations in that room. I found mine on a barrel when you drop down a level

Your finale piece will be in a shed in the middle of stops 4 and 5 to your right coming from stop 4 to 5

Picture Coming Soon

To craft these items together, you will need to go into the bar in the town. It is the building to the left of the bus stop. Go in and make a left. Table will be at the end.[/size]

Power Switch
Parts. Power Box, Power Switch, Arm
Parts Location. You will find all these items in the Power House.

Pack A Punch
Parts. Table, Battery, Head Piece
Parts Location. You will find these items below the Bank inside the Green Run Town.

Navigational Table
[size=20]Parts Location. It is part of the Easter Egg. You need table, NavCard, Card Reader, Radio and Meteor.

You will find the Meteor and Nav Card at Bus Depot. The Meteor is in the hole in the wall at the Bus Depot. Pay $750 to open the door and immediately go left and look for it in the hole. You will need to crouch to pick it up. Nav Card is behind the Bus Depot. Again, take a left out of the door and walk to the window at the end of the Bus Depot. Walk along the side and look for the card on the ground.

You will find the table at the tunnel in one of the two locations. One is the walkway with M16 and other is the ‘S’ bend in the map. Walk around until you get a notification to press X. It’s on the left side of the tunnel if you head towards the dinner.

Alternatively, if the table doesn’t spawn in the tunnel, it will appear in the lower level of the room after the power room. On the ground, on the right side of the bridge you land on.

The Card Reader can be found in one of the locations. Either in the Town near the dumpster and box or at the farm house left of the refrigerator where a weapon can be stored on the wall.

Finally, Radio can be found at two locations. First is the garage at the diner, in the room with the car at the top of the file cabinet. You may have to jump to get this item. The other location is Nacht Der Untoten. Look for it towards the right of the building, on top of the bookshelf that was knocked over.[/size]

I will update this portion of the thread soon with pictures of each parts location for those who have trouble finding them[/details]

Black Ops 2 Zombies Perks / Locations

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[size=20]In addition to items, there are certain Perk machines that can be found in every map. Some machines require a Turbine to be turned on. The different perks you will find are:

  • Quick Revive – Bus Station

  • Speed Cola – Diner
  • Double Tap – Farm – Barn – Secondary Story
  • Tombstone -Power House
  • Jugger Nog- Town- Southwest building

  • Stamina Up – Town – Northeast building


How To Store Weapons and Points

[details=Open Me][size=20]In the Farm map, you can store weapons in the Fridge found in the central house. This can be quite handy if you die and do not have the Tombstone Perk. However, at higher levels, it is relatively difficult to get access to the fridge easily during dire situations.

In Town, there is a safe door that can be blown open with the help of an explosive. Inside there is a special vault which stores your points. [/size][/details]

Black Ops 2 Zombies Tranzit Weapons

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Assault Rifles
[size=20][details=Open Me]M8A1
At the start of the zombies’ mode, you will come across this assault rifle a lot. The weapon has a four round burst which can be fired in quick succession. In the earlier stages, you can take easy headshots using this rifle and collect points faster as you get more points for a head-shot than a normal hit.

  • Magazine Size – 32 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Low

The SMR rifle has the highest damage among all the available assault rifles. The semi-automatic rifle can prove quite effective in the first 10 round of zombies showdown.

  • Magazine Size – 20 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – High

Type 25
Type 25 assault rifle is suited to those who don’t like to have high recoil. The fully automatic rifle has a high fire rate with descent damage.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Medium

The semi-automatic weapon works like a shotgun which is quite effective for short to medium-range encounters. You get to fire eight rounds in a single magazine. The weapon will cost you 500 points.

  • Magazine Size – 8 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – High

Mnesia (PaP)
The semi automatic assault rifle is quite damaging, but its 16 rounds magazine can be a problem.

  • Magazine Size – 16 Rounds
  • Damage – Very High
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Medium

A fully automatic assault rifle with a 35 rounds magazine which can come handy to deal with groups of the undead.

  • Magazine Size – 35 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Low

Lamenation (PaP)
The Lamenation assault rifle is similar in function to that of Galil except for the fact that it has slightly better damage than the former.

  • Magazine Size – 35 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium/High
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Low

The famous M16 is there with its accurate three round burst. The lower recoil of the weapon can help you target zombies with more accuracy.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Low

Skullcrusher (PaP)
You can use the Skullcrusher to take out zombies at range. The weapon isn’t quite useful when you are playing alone as you will mostly find yourself surrounded by the zombies.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Medium

Another assault rifle variant with some impressive damage. The fully automatic rifle can be useful in keeping zombies at bay even after ten rounds.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Medium

Although the weapon has gotten better damage and range, its smaller magazine can be a problem in crowded areas.

  • Magazine Size – 20 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Medium

Another 3 round burst variant which is almost equivalent to M16 when it comes to accuracy. Each magazine carries 30 rounds.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – High
  • Recoil – Medium


Submachine Guns
[size=20][details=Open Me]Chicom CQB
The weapon has three round burst but the its high cyclic fire rate can make the burst quite effective at a short range.

  • Magazine Size – 40 Rounds
  • Damage – Low
  • Range – Low
  • Recoil – Low

Skorpion EVO 3
This Skorpion variant has the highest rate of fire in the category. Use it at a short range as at distance, you won’t be able to target zombies accurately.

  • Fire Mode – Fully Automatic
  • Magazine Size – 20 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – Low
  • Recoil – Medium

A common SMG which you will be using often in different maps. The weapon has a balanced blend of accuracy, fire rate and damage. Range is the shortcoming like all other SMGs but when zombies go crazy, the range factor becomes non-existent.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – Medium
  • Range – Low
  • Recoil – Medium

If you are looking for high fire power, I will recommend this weapon. A couple of well-placed shots can get rid of the zombie who is at medium to a short range.

  • Magazine Size: 30 Rounds
  • Damage: Moderate
  • Range: Low
  • Recoil: Moderate

This AK74 variant has a better range and damage than the other partner in the group. Both the weapons work great in slaying off zombies faster.

  • Magazine Size – 30 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Medium


Light Machine Guns
[size=20][details=Open Me]HAMR
The fully automatic LMG gets the fire rate reduced over time and becomes more accurate. A descent weapon to stick to on higher levels.

  • Magazine Size – 100 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Medium to low

Just another LMG which you can use to sprinkle bullets on the zombies blindly. You have got 100 rounds in each magazine.

  • Magazine Size – 100 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – Moderate
  • Recoil – Moderate


Sniper Rifles
[size=20][details=Open Me]DSR-50
It’s a bolt-action sniper rifle which can be fun to use in early rounds, but you can’t stick to it longer.

  • Fire Mode – Bolt Action
  • Magazine Size – 5 Rounds
  • Damage – Very High
  • Range – Infinite
  • Recoil – Low


[size=20][details=Open Me]Olympia
The double barrel shotgun I love to stick to at least in the first five rounds. Carefully placed shots will get you one kill in one hit.

  • Magazine Size – 2 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – Low
  • Recoil – Low

The shotgun will set zombies on fire. You need to watch out though as they can go crazy while being burnt.

  • Magazine Size – 2 Rounds
  • Damage – Very High
  • Range – Medium
  • Recoil – Low

It’s a fully automatic shotgun with a re-chamber after every four rounds. Like other shotguns, you will have to stay up close to zombies if you want to exploit its full potential.

  • Magazine Size – 16 Rounds
  • Damage – High
  • Range – Low
  • Recoil – Medium



[details=Open Me]Galvanized Knuckles
The Galvanized Knuckles can be found on the roof of the Diner, and can only be accessed by using the roof hatch of the bus. They cost 6,000, and can one-shot all zombies below level 14 and kill all zombies in two hits below level 24.

[size=14]Change Log:
11/15/12 - Added Pictures for Perk Locations, and Added Pictures for Air Canon Part Locations

11/13/12 - Thread Created. Added Pictures for the Bus Upgrade Part Locations, Turbine Parts, and Zombie Shield Parts[/size]

Anyone know how to get into the bank?

Anyone know how to get into zombie mode in a cracked version :anguished: ?

if you want, we can play and go snoop around the bank and try to get it on round 1 so we have time to move away from the zombies

i use tunngle for playing LAN on cracked games

yeah, I kno tunngle is great. but this ****ty game tries to log in everytime I click on zombie mode

PM me your gt and when I get back on we can do this. Currently about to pass the **** out.

I made a video on it. The Pack-a-Punch is in there:

Great post! :smiley:

has anyone found out what the navigational table does?

updated the thread with some perk picture locations along, along with pictures of the Air Canon Parts

Wow, so much going on with zombie mode in this game, it’s fantastic. Will take a while to do everything too as I don’t know if modding the online achievements will be plausible (chances on ban higher perhaps) though I would like to get it all legit.

prob wont work since that didnt work when people needed the rod for moon on black ops 1

has anyone found out what the navigational table does?

pretty sick thanks

Thanks for this :smile: