Blurred when in windowed mode

using “C:\Users%username%\AppData\Local\WeMod\WeMod.exe --disable-gpu” resolved the issue for me as well on Nvidia 3080

I noticed that it goes blurry every time the slide show changes image

This continues to be an issue - every update reverts the change. Every update causes the blurriness to return. This is a bug that needs to be fixed!

This is not something we can fix as it is an issue with Nvidia attempting to apply settings it shouldn’t be. Turn FXAA off globally then set the AA mode to application controlled. Any application that supports FXAA will still have it applied as long as the app/game supports it.

That’s should be by DEFAULT !

Look at the comment above you by Chris

Done this and the " --disable-gpu" option, it’s still happening… weird =\