Borderlands Character Resources + Max Save

This is a thread of essential items you will need to make a good save.
Everything in this thread was made by me, including the weapons.
If anything isn’t working that you obtained from this thread, please, let me know and I will try to fix it.

If you haven’t already, download WillowTree#.



This file is all proficiencies at level 50 and max experience.

[b]How to use:

[details=Open Me]1. Go to the “Skills” tab in WillowTree#

Open Me

  1. Click “Import” and choose the .skills file that you have just downloaded
    *Note: Once you import this file you must re-add your skill points
Open Me




This is a Quest file with every quest added and completed, including all of the DLC quests

[b]How to use:

[details=Open Me]

  1. Click on the “Quests” tab in WillowTree#
Open Me

  1. Click on the Playthrough that you would like to add the quests to
Open Me

  1. Click “Import” and choose the .quests file that you have downloaded
    *Note: You can use the same .quests file on each Playthrough
Open Me


[u][/u]Echo Logs[b][/b]


This is an Echo Logs file that has most, if not all, Echo Logs.

[b]How to use:

[details=Open Me]

  1. Click the “Echo Logs” tab in WillowTree#
Open Me

  1. Click on the Playthrough you wish to add the Echo Logs to
Open Me

  1. Click “Import” and choose the .echologs file you have just downloaded
Open Me


[u][/u]Max Game Save[b][/b]



  • Level 69, max experience
  • 550+ Perfect Weapons, level 69
  • Everything included in the above files
  • All perfect Class Mods for each character
  • Max money
  • Ready to be any character, just change the character type in WillowTree#
  • All perfect Grenade Mods
  • All perfect Shields
  • Best Grenade Mod for grenade jumping (currently equipped grenade mod)
  • Legit amount of Skill Points
  • 2000 backpack slots
  • 1000 bank slots

*Make sure to Rehash and Resign with your IDs

Good tut, I didn’t know how to use willow tree and all of it’s functions.

thanks for tut bro :smile:

Wow, I am getting this and all the DLC for it tonight, I played the hell out of it on my original (reset) GT and was fond of the mods, they made the game even funner after beating it over and over. How easy/hard is it to modify character level down?

With WillowTree#, you just type it into a place and that’s your level. But the max level is 69.

So can we just download the max game save on the end of that post and it has everything on there that this tutorial is telling you how to do?
or do we still have to download that and still go through all the tutorial steps?

Great tut but how do i use willow tree

The other files is if you want to pick and choose, or do that to your own character. The max save comes with all of those.

I could TeamView you later.