Brotato Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Still broken

Can confirm definitely broken. Turning it off crashes the game.

turning it off has always crashed the game, does the money actually show up is the question…

little over 3 hours play time, you get the money when you spend some…
works great

Please update brotato

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Please update

The Brotato cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

So the update that happened today still doesn’t work. Tested it on release, early access, and betas.

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Crashes for me too, when i run it on Wemod It says may not work with my game version, Game could have updated while you were working on it ?

confirmed with 3 runs, you get your money when you buy something just like last time…

Tell me what you’re running then? Because it still doesn’t work, even with purchasing something from the shop.

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after the last update it stopped working completely, regardless of how many times you activate or deactivate the mod

Do we have any kind of ETA on a working version?

The cheat doesn’t work.

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Doesn’t work as of 2/26/2023, I’m assuming from the update?


Doesnt work anymore. any chance of an update?


yea but why tho? there is no complicated way to mod the money is it? why does it not work anymore?
but yeah it doesnt. if the creator of the mod doesnt mind it would be cool to have it modded again


can we please get an update?


The cheat doesn’t work.

yes it does :confused: thats your problem fix it yoself

would be really cool to get more mods on this trainer. infinite health, damage, stats and such.