Can’t sign in

Can anyone help me, I’m trying to sign in on the desktop app on pc and keeps saying invalid email or password yet I’ve reset it and can sign in on my phone and online site but not the one needed to use trainers??? Please help emphasized text

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Try restarting your computer, then try signing in again

Furthest thing from a solution. Lot of people having this same issue and it shouldn’t be happening. Can we get this bug fixed?

Welcome back to the community, @TylerModss. :slight_smile:

Please do refrain from posting false information. In the over a year that this thread was opened, nobody has been reporting this issue to us. This is the sort of thing we would be seeing a new report for every few minutes - which we haven’t.

Sign-in problems are almost always user-sided errors. Such as using the wrong credentials, or firewall blockages.

I can log into my main account (this one) and my test accounts perfectly fine and have never had any login issues.

If you are having trouble accessing your account, use the “forgot password” tool on the login page to reset your password. If you have forgotten the email address that you used to sign up with, send an email to