[COD 4/5/6] iJosh's FREE System Link and Modded Lobby Thread!

Here I will be modding anyone’s account for free. This is 100% legit. If you do not believe me you can check the spoiler of poof or check the spoiler of people vouching for me. The mods that will be taking place are available for Modern Warfare Two, Call of Duty 4, and Call of Duty WaW. For each game there will be a choice of system link or a modded XP lobby. If you do not know the difference, refer to the spoiler below. It will contain the definitions of each.

[details=Definitions for System Link and Modded XP Lobbies]

System Link- System link is when I either recover your account or download it. Either is fine. For me to recover it you will need to provide the account information (When I refer to account information I mean the email and password registered to your account). Once the information is sent I will recover and start doing the mods. Now for the downloading part; Many people prefer doing this as some people don’t trust others with their account information, I understand that. So here is what you do, you either put your account on a flash drive or hard drive and transfer the file to your computer. When its there you simply upload the account E.g. Megaupload, Mediafire, etc. Now when that is finished you send me the download link for the account and I will download it, put it on my Hard drive and start preforming the mods.

Now to the actual modding part, System link is much better than the modded lobbies in my opinion. Its better because you can simply choose the desired prestige, level, stats and unlock everything. You will receive any mod that is possible if requested.



Modded XP Lobbies- Modded XP Lobbies are just XP Mods. You do not get any attachments, camos, titles and emblems. Nothing just XP. So here is how it works, when I host one of these lobbies, you join my game and kill yourself. When you kill yourself you will get enough XP to rank up to the highest level depending on which game. When you reach the wanted level, you then back out and prestige. You join back and repeat the process to the preferred prestige.


System Link

Now here is how you will request the mods. Just simply copy one or more of the layouts below.

Note: Call of Duty 4 and WaW only has 10th right now, I will edit this when I find a better patch. Cod 4 has the same issue with the stats.

How to Request for System Link

Layout for Modern Warfare Two

Game: Modern Warfare Two
Preferred Prestige:
Stats: Low, Legit, or Insane
Unlock all: Yes or No

Layout for Call of Duty 4

Game: Call of Duty 4
Preferred Prestige:
Stats: Low, Legit, Insane
Unlock all: Yes or No

Layout for Call of Duty WaW

Game: Call of Duty WaW
Preferred Prestige:
Stats: Low, Legit, Insane
Unlock all: Yes or No

If your a requesting System Link just post below with the layout and PM the layout and your method of me doing the mod. You have to choices. You can send me the account information or you can upload your account and let me download it and do the mods. For me to recover it you will need to provide the account information (When I refer to account information I mean the email and password registered to your account). Once the information is sent I will recover and start doing the mods. Now for the downloading part; Many people prefer doing this as some people don’t trust others with their account information, I understand that. So here is what you do, you either put your account on a flash drive or hard drive and transfer the file to your computer. When its there you simply upload the account E.g. Megaupload, Mediafire, etc. Now when that is finished you send me the download link for the account and I will download it, put it on my Hard drive and start preforming the mods.

Modded XP Lobbies

Now for the modded lobby part. Be low will be a schedule of when the lobby is online and offline. Online obviously means I am hosting at that particular time so you can join. I will be providing the Gamertag each time, it may change. But for the most part it will be: JoshSG. When the lobby is on you can send me a message with your username and I will invite you. Once you get all of your stuff, please leave so other people can get in.

Online Status

Modern Warfare Two:Offline
Call of Duty 4: Offline
Call of Duty WaW: Offline[/details]

Below here are people vouching for me, saying that I am legit.


If the vouchers saying “Legit” and “Thanks” isn’t enough proof for you, check the spoiler below. It contains pictures of my Jtag in XeX menu with my name, XboxMB, and a time stamp.

[details=Proof][img]/uploads/default/original/3X/4/7/47adcdbb0dddf076cb887cb4ee8b563e83e62c62.jpg[/img] [img]/uploads/default/original/3X/a/4/a41071b6ac99c42aa68164d208ead304f285bd04.jpg[/img]

Note: I am not responsible for any bans or repercussions due to the mods. I have never heard of anyone being banned/reset for any of this.


Thanks are appreciated, but not expected.


Thanks Skylar!
-Proof added.

Legit <3
Thanks for making me 9th 70.

He’s legit.
I have known him for a while and he is one of the most legit people I know. Just wanted to vouch for him.

sorry to burst your bubble but you can ask for account info

they must upload it / file transfer there account to you

If he shows legit proof and has people already done I would let him 10th my account with my info. You just need to change your password afterwards.

Theres people vouching for you.
I spect this is legit (:
I trust you.

it rlly doesnt matter who you are

the rules apply the same to everyone

Didn’t Storm just have an exact thread like this? I didn’t see it stickied anymore so I thought I’d make one.

Well I provided proof and people have already posted legit one is epic here, and another has mod on a another forum.
-Everyone all the mods will be taking place around 5 PM EST. So get your accounts in, and I might be hosting tonight!

Thread updated. Starting mods now for everyone that has PM’ed me.

I will vouch.I’ve been in one of your lobbies before.
He is LEGIT guys

100% Legit!
Trust him!

All the accounts that I didn’t get to today will be finished tomorrow. I’m sorry I didn’t get all the requests done today, something came up.
-Note: Please refrain from asking for Cod4 atm. Something happened.


Game: Modern Warfare Two
Preferred Prestige: Already 10th
Stats: Legit
Unlock all: Yes please

Ill send you my acc file in 1 sec

101% Legit.

Got me 10th in MW2. :smile:

Game: Modern Warfare Two
Preferred Prestige: 9th
Stats: legit
Unlock all: Yes

Game: Call of Duty 4
Preferred Prestige: 10th
Stats: legit
Unlock all: Yes

i will p.m. you with info! <3

Starting mods for everyone that requested now!

Get yours in now!

Did some accounts tonight. Still haven’t got through all of them yet. Will try and get through them all tomorrow!