Company of Heroes Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Company of Heroes
This is the official discussion topic of the Company of Heroes Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Resources
3. Reveal Map
4. Instant Construction
5. Instant Recruiting
6. Max Units Cap
7. Unlimited Command Points
8. Instant Unit Skill Cooldown
9. Instant Ability Cooldown


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 03/23/2021
    Started development

  • 03/23/2021
    Released trainer with 9 cheats

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There is a bug in Company of Heroes. Other people can not see my army and points which i have captured. Btw i use steam version.
Thank you.

you know that all WeMOD trainers are made for single player FYI

For some reason when using these cheats you can’t rank up… I haven’t been able to identify which one specifically or perhaps the trainer itself?

Doesn’t seem to work at all with this game. Soldiers/squads dying with unlimited health active.

In my experience snipers are able to kill soldiers still I think. Either that or something else is interfering.

I assume there’s a system that gives them an insta kill on infantry regardless of health. It still does in Company of Heroes 2.

  • Explosions have chance to insta kill on the infantries too. This also same on COH 2.

hey, guys,
this is to do with trainer for coh!
and im looking for advice on a glitch i keep having!

before i get into glitch!

i do not always cheat!

i play campaigns on hard sometimes, and sometimes medium!

not that it matters!

anyway for some reason when i like to play dirty and just have a bit of fun and let the enemy nearly take me out then cheat the airforce!

as soon as i put cheats on,

the enemy can no longer build tanks or units!

it’s like they just glitch out!

plus i know its not a cheat stopping there unit production as it would say!

please if anybody knows why this is happened or can help!

please message below!

also, i have uploaded some photos to show you too!

thanks, everybody

for some reason will only let me do one photo, so here are the others!!!
link below!!
here are photos

ive made rest of photos listed as COH GLITCH
in my artwork folder!! go to link to see them!
thanks everybody for reading!

hey, guys,
this is to do with trainer for coh!
and im looking for advice on a glitch i keep having!

before i get into glitch!

i do not always cheat!

i play campaigns on hard sometimes, and sometimes medium!

not that it matters!

anyway for some reason when i like to play dirty and just have a bit of fun and let the enemy nearly take me out then cheat the airforce!

as soon as i put cheats on,

the enemy can no longer build tanks or units!

it’s like they just glitch out!

plus i know its not a cheat stopping there unit production as it would say!

please if anybody knows why this is happened or can help!

please message below!

also, i have uploaded some photos to show you too!

thanks, everybody

for some reason will only let me do one photo, so here are the others!!!
link below!!
here are photos

ive made rest of photos listed as COH GLITCH
in my artwork folder!! go to link to see them!
thanks everybody for reading!


I am playing CoH on Steam (note that Steam describes it as “Company of Heroes Relaunch”) on Windows 11. Game version is 2.700.2.43. The trainer does not seem to be able to “Inject cheats” into the launched game, showing the following message :

Capture d’écran 2021-11-12 234044

I have tried disabling both the Anti-virus and Firewall but it didn’t help.

Hopefully you can provide assistance.

Unlimited Health not working

I can’t get any of the cheats to work, not sure what’s going on

Unable to construct or repair bridges, when utilizing cheats.

I have a store bought version I picked up back in 06. I can play but none of these mods work for it. I have updated it to 2.601 which is essentially the Tales of Valor and Opposing Fronts patches. I have lost the disks for those add ons but have the keys and boxes. This is not a steam version nor xbox etc. Anyway to make a mod?

I don’t know why unlimited health doesn’t work

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In my experience (Steam installation) you have to start the base game via WeMod for the mods to work.

This doesnt work for CoH. Has a big warning sign that comes up saying its not compatible. I have a screenshot of it, but idk how to add an image on here.

Unlimited Health isn’t working same with the Reveal Map