Contest | Best GTA5 Screenshot! | Win Diamond!

Screenshot Contest!

Winners announced! See last post!

Celebrating the release of the GTA5 editor, I thought it would be a nice time to give people a chance to win a month of Diamond.

The contest is simple:

  • Post your best screenshot from GTA5
  • It can be an old one or you can make a new one before the contest ends
  • It can be of anything you want as long as it is in-game
  • You can add effects but not overboard (like black and white is fine)
  • You MUST upload it to Imgur


  • All forum rules apply! Anyone caught breaking them will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Do not steal others creations. Look through the posts before posting your own, someone may have posted something similar.
  • Only ONE entry per person. Failure to follow this = disqualification
  • Stupid or pointless posts/entries will be dealt with accordingly
  • Do not post in this thread commenting on other posts or without an entry. Posts will be deleted and you will be disqualified.
  • The screenshot must be your own, those suspected of using an image from another site will be dealt with accordingly
  • Don’t go mad with effects. This isn’t Instagram.



Prize = 1 Month of Diamond

If you already have diamond, you may wait until your subscription to receive this prize or you may choose to give it to another member.

End Date

This competition will end on Wednesday 2nd October at 8pm GMT!

Feel free to enter for fun also!

Good luck to all!

Also check out Diamond Supply’s tutorial on how to mod your game:|-how-mod-gta-v.html#post1313785

Today i hit a deer with my car on Gta v, then i took a selfie, flipped my car and it exploded.
Best day ever.
Anyways, where exactly do we download the pictures we take in GTA?
I was never told we can share our picture we take.

Never mind lol… I don’t qualify.

Damn wish i had gold so i could upload some

Dont qualify delete post sorry

For those with difficulty uploading, you can take a photo with your phone of the screen but it has to be decent quality.

No flip phone cameras.

Jacked up the angle, oh well.

Mount Chiliad with the Dubsta from this official screenshot and the 100% completion t-shirt. Still trying to find that Jetpack :stuck_out_tongue:

good luck to who ever enters and i don’t even use the diamond tools or anything (:


Double post mistake

WTF is dat?

Whats the chances finding these 2 words next to each other lol

also noticed next to the bawsaq sign was schlongberg sachs

Here you go! :thumbsup: KOOL STUFF ever! very good game < 3 it

I think Michael is a little jealous. Wade is such a player.