This is the official discussion topic of the Contraband Police Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Immortal
2. Unlimited Perception
3. Infinite Item Durability
4. Set Money
5. Set Current Experience
6. Set Experience Multiplier
7. Unlimited Ammo
8. No Reload
9. No Recoil
10. No Sway
11. No Bullet Dispersion
12. Stop Fugitive Vehicles
13. Stop Inspection Time
14. Scan Vehicles in Inspection
15. Search for Unfound Contraband
16. Contraband Spot Found
17. Is Name/Surname Wrong
18. Is Date of Expiration Wrong
19. Is Passport Number Wrong
20. Is Photo Wrong
21. Is Vehicle Type Wrong
22. Is Vehicle ID Wrong
23. Is Stamp Wrong
24. Are Paper Colors Wrong
25. Is Vehicle Cargo Wrong
26. Is Driver a Criminal
27. Is Vehicle Weight Wrong
28. Is Forbidden From Entry
29. [Vehicle Damage] Flat Tires
30. [Vehicle Damage] Broken Window
31. [Vehicle Damage] Broken Lights
32. [Vehicle Damage] Missing Mirrors
33. [Vehicle Damage] Missing Bumpers
34. [Vehicle Damage] Defected Bodywork
35. Vehicle Contraband Amount
36. Game Speed
Important Notes:
Click here to view important information about these cheats.
Mods under the “Scan Vehicles in Inspection” mod are merely informational, changing them does nothing and they update when a vehicle gets into the Inspection Zone if the “Scan Vehicles in Inspection” mod is active.
Trainer Video:
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
03/09/2023 Started development
03/09/2023 Released trainer with 26 cheats
03/10/2023 Is Driver a Criminal cheat added Vehicle Contraband Amount cheat added Updated notes
03/18/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/19/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
03/23/2023 Search for Unfound Contraband [Not Hidden] cheat added Contraband Spot Found cheat added
Experiencing a lot of crashes with Trainer on. Not sure the cause of them but with trainer off im not seeing any crashing but with it on it is happening often. Mostly when engaged in any kind of conflict. i.e. gunfight or on mission. Only experienced one crash when working border gate regular routine. But anytime there’d be a ambush at border or out on missions engaged in conflict there would often be a crash.
Edit to my previous post… I believe the issue is Unlimited Ammo. Not 100% sure but have not had any crashes since my previous post playing with multiple mods on but keeping Unlimited Ammo off. Hope this helps anyone else having same issue
It’s not just the Unlimted Ammo. I crashed twice once with Unlimited Ammo, Immortal, Unlimited Perception & item duration on and then a second crash with the Immortal, Unlimited Perception & item duration on.
Both crashes did happen at the police base during a defence mission so no idea if that has something to do with it.
I believe it’s the immortal cheat that crashes the game, I had the immortal cheat on along with unlimited ammo, unlimited perception and scan vehicle in inspection.
I turned immortal cheat off and kept the other cheats on and the game didn’t crash at all after that.
for is vehicle weight wrong, when the vehicle for example has a weight of 1520 Kg and the document max weight for the vehicle of that type is also 1520 kg. the script thinks it wrong because it reaches the max weight or more aka >1520, but in the game aslong the weight didn’t go over the 1520 or >= 1520 kg it still good and allowed to pass. i’ve experienced this 2 times but i’m gonna need more testing for the script. this is just for information
Weird, because it’s checking if it’s above the maximum number, and if it is then it marks it as wrong. I haven’t reached the point where weight matters in the game, so I can’t accurately test it myself. But I’ll check it out tomorrow and see what’s wrong.
I’m getting some random issues with the Scan Vehicles in Inspection - mainly showing wrong yes/no on some of the options below. Not a specific option, but several different one. Also I’ve seen all the options turn to “No” while I know the vehicle has wrong stuff on it and it’s just sitting in its place. Sometimes I see an option go to “Yes” state, but after a minute, reverts back to “No” (saw it with Is Forbidden From Entry).
Not sure why how’d that happen, because all of those can only be set when a new vehicle gets in the Inspection Zone and opens the door window. Once that vehicle does, the values set cannot be changed until a different vehicle gets in.
Still, did you do anything special or specific that could cause it? I doubt that you’re changing them manually, but just make sure that you don’t touch them on the app.
No, don’t recall doing anything specific, just had the app running for a while and I noticed it kinda started giving off readings, mainly the “Is Forbidden From Entry” one, for example when it’s related to broken parts on the vehicle (that’s several chapters in, if a vehicle has more than 3 broken parts it’s forbidden from entry).
P.S. I just got shown a “Is Vehicle Weight Wrong” = Yes, while the vehicle was exactly on its limit (the Micros 26D was showing 990 on the weight and it has a max of 990, so technically weight wasn’t wrong). Not sure if just a random occurrence of an issue or maybe a > instead of >=?
Edit: it worked only after i told the person to get out of the vehicle and found contraband, and when he tried to go back in the car and flee the mod worked cus he just sat there in the car. so i guess it only works if they try to go back in the car and flee but not drive straight through.