Craftopia Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I didn’t crash, ur pose to start the new character right away then enable the cheat because I know what would happen because it wasn’t my 1st try before. So basically ur pose to be on the field with ur new character then once ur on foot moving around for u can use the cheat on that spot because due of the programs being sort of bottom rear booting.

At the time being I will do the character already made and testing for myself again.
nope the “EASY CRAFT” appeared not working still for me, did it at the start main menu turning it on and just simple test the easy craft if it is work but appeared it is not exactly working. For I will retest it again
edit again
nope still nope easy craft appeared isn’t working exactly to be.

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EASY CRAFT not working for me either

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launch the game by steam then activate what you want then inject

cant save skills if turned on the mod

They just updated the game recently, the unlimited is off again, super dmg is off again, the only functional is evolution age, unlimited skill and unlimited durability work. did I just said wait for few weeks cuz thisi s july which I said it clear “they are updating roadmap” which they r fixing bugs the same time. It isn’t complain to say but this is where the time of dev doing random moments update of unbugging the game.
~edit it~
nvm it is working again.

Not working for me at the moment, only bottom 3.

you got the third one to work??

Annd they’re back to not working again due to new update


it just unlimited durability weren’t bother by the dev to worry, so the cheat will active rather u have it on or not but ur late with the details here. So far testing it the cheat is it working it seem to work but right now the cheat this today I am having test because “iyreland” to check which one is working and not working again

~few mins later~

I check the cheat, so far majority isn’t working “again” which leave only 3 again is working, evolution, unlimited skills and unlimited durability but seriously why we still have this one? is it because ppl want go back the legacy version or something? Anyway I will re-test it just popping the game 1st then active the cheat window by hitting play to see it function.

I figure it out, just play the game, don’t hit play the cheat, enter ur character into the world then hit play the cheat which it will enable the cheat u need.

Their are about to be a ton of updates coming the next few months, so we honestly might just have to go without

unlimited skill, eventhough its working, but after save & quit, and then playing again, the skill can not be saved … so, we must klik again all skill poinst from the begininng…

the reason why the skill point unlimited cheat isn’t working because either u spent all the skill point already and used it, this is where ur not pose to save with the unlimited skill point cheat which I try to avoid this the best I can the fact the cheat bug the skill points making it originally turn back to be 5 skill point because the game thinks there is skill points have been placed into the skill tree.

So far, I never attended to work with that cheat around ever since it was buggy on the from the legacy version which I forgot to report that to the cheat community with that type of issue.

Easy Craft doesn’t work as far as I can tell.

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odds are there’ll be another update soon. ( given the roadmap, this month is where all the optimisation will be going on. ).

and yes, once again it’s just the bottom 3, or 2 and 1 semi-functional cheat / mod / option working as has been the case before. ( durability is the semi-functional one, as weapons like the " fake inscribed sword " still break. ).

same, ever sense they updated from 7th and updated again it been oddly off ever sense.

Hello, nothing working for me I guess it is outdated, do you have some infos when it will work?:slight_smile:

Any timeline for update?

The Craftopia cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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The Craftopia cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements