Dark Souls 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

You can modify souls amount from trainer, if you want to gain them from game disable trainer.

Soul amount and stat changes does not work for me
i have cracked version of Dark Soul 3

Only the speedhack is working. Is the trainer updated yet?

What?! I don’t think you’re using the same trainer we have here, i haven’t made a speedhack for this trainer ? :confused:

The trainer has been up to date for steam version for months now.

Even for 1.10 that came out a couple days ago?

Whoa, the game updated again? I thought it last updated in 2016.

I will install the game and check it out. But we don’t have a speedhack so i am not sure which cheat isn’t working?

It`s dont work anymore !

Thank you, havent used the mod yet because of the new game update, but im sure it’ll be great.

The add soul cheat doesn’t seem to work for me? Nor does the stat cheats. How do I fix this?

Ok thanks. Any idea when you’ll update the trainer?

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Hello i have a Problem with the cheats infinite durability and consumables it always turns off when i use it please fix it

Steam version?


I have this issue with consumables, it just doesn’t activate, everything else works for me.

Nothing serious, just bringing it to attention.

@ayyylmaow @dog_axl @Umbra576
Huge update released for the DLC out on Monday, it’s probably the reason for some cheats not working. Give STN some time and I’m sure he’ll get around to patching it. :slight_smile:

oh a’ight probably the reason

Oh yeah I know I wasn’t bitching, just point something out.

Everything but unlim consumables and durability works so you’re okay with that part STN.
Slight bug with the stat cheats as they say “+10” but they give +1.