Dead Space 3 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Dead Space 3
This is the official discussion topic of the Dead Space 3 Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Unlimited Stasis
3. Unlimited Oxygen
4. No Reload
5. Unlimited Ammo
6. One-Hit Kills


Trainer Video:

Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So thereā€™s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 03/12/2021
    Started development

  • 03/12/2021
    Released trainer with 6 cheats

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EDIT: Seems itā€™s not Unlimited Resources. See reply below.

So far, trainer works as expected. May wanna put a warning on Unlimited Resources. Got a chip upgrade, went to a Benchā€¦ well, I got unlimited chips. As in, it wonā€™t let me accept, and move on! May wanna use, save game with all the resources, and then reload without tuning it back on!

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Yes gives you unlimited chips cant move away from the bench have to turn game off and start at last save

Will there be a Origin version coming as well

Found out what went wrong; it seems ā€˜Unlimited Ammoā€™ makes it ā€˜Unlimited EVERYTHINGā€™ Turn it on, and drop ammo, health pack, stasis module, whatever. You drop one, and keep another in your inventory. So, when you get to a BENCH with a chip/frame/module/etc, it just goes like, ā€˜Iā€™ll take thatā€¦ oh, wait, another!.. and another!ā€™ Etc, etc, etc.


Did anyone figure out how to do benches? I donā€™t want to restart the whole game but does anyone have a solution? I canā€™t drop all my items and I canā€™t go to a bench otherwise Iā€™ll be clicking to infinity and beyond. Idk what else to do but avoid work benches.

Just a shame you canā€™t turn it off or use benches anymore.

can anyone add:

  • Infinite Hacking Time
  • Infinite Body Heat

and if itā€™s possible:

  • Have All Upgrade Circuits
  • Have All Weapon Parts
  • Have All Artifacts
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To anyone else viewing thisā€¦

This issue can be fixed by turn off ā€œUnlimited Ammo & Resourcesā€ before using the Bench.

Did I do something wrong or what I know that if you turned on the unlimited resources (bug) in the trainer you canā€™t use the bench and when you create another save file (fresh start) even w/out the unlimited resources turned on you canā€™t use the bench because for some reason the game or the trainer still assumes that I turned the unlimited resources in the trainer so even if I create another save file (fresh start) it still assumes that I used the cheat even w/out turning it on in the first place.

will there be one For EA play ?

would it be possible to add a cheat to add all chips and weapon parts as well as the blueprints for the one that have them since you cannot get mk v parts from the resource packs anymore?

I second this, With all the hype of the remake Iā€™ve been going through all of the games again. Generally with this one you could use unlimited resources which also granted ration seals to spam the resource packs for mk v parts. However, it has been noted that the resource packs are pretty much gone from steam versions of this game. Add all blueprints/craftables would be a huge help since now you can no longer get these parts in game

Hello yall, first comment from me on this forums so nice to meet u
id like to know if anyone can tell me if the trainer also enables stuff on my co-op partners end too?

You need to add more cheats to this, and fix the workbench problem. The remake is coming out soon so people are going to be replaying DS 1-3 again.

where did the unlimited resources go?

This trainer works great, and for those having issues with the bench, I just turn off the unlimited ammo (F4) cheat, and it progresses just fine. Not sure what the issue is there, but it works just turning it off while entering the bench, then turn it back on when you get into the bench menu. Only down side I see to this mod is the unlimited resources is gone. BUTā€¦if you get one of those resource boxes, and use the bench/exit the bench/enter the bench (repeat as needed), you get almost every resource by 60 on average.

yup, with this side effect, now I have 4 key item slots always occupied by remote & remote partsā€¦ :flushed:

anyone know how to remove them ā€¦

Start game but do not activate WeMod until AFTER you have emptied unwanted items from inventory or built something at a bench. A pain, I know, but the only way Iā€™ve found so far to use a bench or drop crap from inventory. Also, just read some of the other posts and tried this out in-game, turning off the ā€œUnlimited Ammoā€ does the same thing because ā€œammoā€ apparently is synonymous with ā€œeverything in inventoryā€.

is there a way to unlock all crafting as well?