Death Stranding Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Welcome to the community @rickjamez26. :slight_smile:

Thank you for being Pro, which helps with trainer development a lot. And thank you for the detailed bug report too. A team member who has this game will test this out when they are able. :slight_smile:

To be honest, though, it sounds like a limitation of the game itself. Itā€™s possible that youā€™re moving faster than the game can render parts of the map, so you fall through it or get flung across the map by something spawning under your feet. Iā€™ve see a similar report for another game, TheHunter: Call of the Wild, which was determined to be caused by the player moving faster than the map/world can render. Possible this isnā€™t the case in this game, but worth mentioning. :slight_smile:

I think Unlimited Materials should have an extra digit (9999) so you can pull out all the material youā€™d actually need for a structure in one go.

Please make sure you read the cheat notes.

Hey boss, with the new updated features on the trainer, the undetected doesnā€™t seem to work with the BTs

Mine seems to not work for some reason, everything except (stop falling,undetected) works, others I turn it on and it just turns right back off for some reason, I closed all anti-virus software and tried switching the hotkeys but it seems like it just doesnā€™t work for me. Can anyone help me with this issue please?

How do get this cheat to work? How do you Open Console?

There is no console to openā€¦

The Death Stranding cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Trainer updated with a fix for BTs

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You turn on the cheat and open the terminal (as it says in the note). You know, those things you always access when you enter a distribution center or waystation so you can do your deliveries and stuff. The available resources are on the lower right.

The fix works fine

Wondering what Unlimited Weight is actually. I had assumed it was being able to carry an unlimited amount of cargo, with no max weight restriction. Toggling the cheat on has no effect in my game. My weight calculation would start to show red when I had too much. And anything I couldnā€™t carry would have to end up Offloaded.

I also noticed that materials are used up during constructions or upgrades, so Iā€™m not sure where the ā€œunlimitedā€ part of it comes into play. Unless that cheat is for being able to Claim an unlimited number of materials from any distro centre.

nothing work in this trainer. is there anything wrong?

Ya there must be because the trainer should be working fine.
Are you using the steam version of the game ?
What happend when You try it ?

There is a max height of cargo you can carry. Weight has more do with your balance.

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IĀ“ve got the same problem with my trainer. When itĀ“s activated and I choose one of the options then they deactivated immediately. I use the Steam Version of the gameā€¦

Can you please tell us what is the mod option you use ? so far i am using the trainer with no problem at all the cheat working just fine.

Btw are you using legit copy of the game or is it a pirated game ?

Idk anyone have same issue, but when using super speed and try to climb rock, object or exit the vehicle, i am being catapulted away , sometimes even out of map. I mean, it is not big deal, turning of super speed
makes climbing normal, it is annoying, cause sometimes you forget to turn off speed mid delivery.
:smile: :smile: :smile:

Also stamina still gets decreased in water (in previous trainer version was fine),

Unlimited materials caps only on 999, would be great to get higher amount (later in the game you can get 1200 material cargo to carry) and there would be no need to reopen terminal every time when you choose largest material cargo.

You can still die from fall damage with unlimited health

You can still fall if you go too fast down the hill.

Rest works pretty much as is intended.

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I am using a legit copy of the game. Do you mean with mod option the stable or the beta channel? Then i am using the stable channel.

I am second for the Unlimited material caps, it would be great if its greater than 999, example maybe around 6000 material because with 888 now its okay but time consuming to draw material one by one.

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