DEVOUR Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Super Flash and Freeze disable in the new map (beta ON)

yeah pls fix it for the new map and the spiders <3

We do not support beta builds. Once it is released we will update the trainer if necessary.

Update release today :smiley: <3

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and broke F2 and F4 for me. :frowning:

New update just dropped. Unlimited UV battery, super flashlight, and freeze Anna no longer work, but unlock all doors still works fine.

When can an update to the trainer be expected?


The DEVOUR cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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UV battery not work :frowning:


-UV Unlimited don’t work.
-Freeze IA crash the game
(or disable bosse and spiders if you activate this, when Zara’s hidden).

Only Unlock door and Mega light working.

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So, when freezing Zara it is completely different from the others. You actually have to unfreeze her ever so often because she throws the eggs up. Also she seems to get stuck after zapping her while frozen so once you zap her a lot unfreeze her and then walk up to her. She will just run back to the hole and then come back out let her puke the eggs and repeat the steps. You actually need her to not be frozen for her to puke up the eggs.

Unlimited UV battery option not working still after the update.

still not working!!!

Freezing Anna is crashing the game. :heart:


unlimited uv light not working on the latest update sept 26 2021

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please add movement speed cheat would be great

The DEVOUR cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Mod still does not work properly. UV is not unlimited and regenerates slower. Mod also causes the spiders to instantly kill you opposed to the slow poisoning effect.

still not working UV battery and problem is same as reaver49 described.

Mod still does not work properly . Using Freee Anna feature will cause the game to crash.

the game keep crushing when i start Freeze Anna every time i activated even before the last update

and Unlimited UV Battery not working

can u plz see the problem
