DEVOUR Cheats and Trainer for Steam

When comes the stun all minions? Because in “The Inn” could it be useful

Can we get some sort of XP boost or even speed boost? Or some way to teleport from one place to the next? These only 4 seem really outdated. Hell I’d even take a level up per level beaten boost.


Did you meant all ‘bosses’?, because it definitely does not work on minions (The demons of the farm and the asylum, the spiders of the inn and the ghosts of the town)

please solve that the minions kill in one hit

The DEVOUR cheats have been updated!


  • Freeze Demons cheat added

cheat not working

with ghost

The freeze trick no longer works, have you tested it?

Map played: The Town, multiplayer

-Freeze demons not working; Demons are also able to one hit KO players

-Freeze Anna appears to be working. All other cheats (battery, doors, and flashlight) also working.

The minions on town (ghosts) are indeed not getting the effect of the cheat, also super flashlight appears to not be working with premium (paid) flashlights.

When you Freeze the Boss (Anna or any one else) you can’t unfreeze her even when you toggle off the freeze anna cheat button, please fix this.

Please try to solve the problem that the ghosts kill in one hit, in solo (for example) they knock you out in one hit and that’s it, you lost the game, the new cheat that freezes the minions does not work in the town. After all the other cheats work correctly, maybe the one to freeze ana once you freeze her after she no longer unfreezes, but the cheat that should be fixed as soon as possible is to freeze the minions and focus on the new map.

When exactly will this be fixed with the 1 hit? it’s exactly the same as with the spiders in “the inn”

The ‘Freeze Anna’ feature works fine except the fact that when they are disabled, the cheat is still in place and Anna cannot resort back to roaming as usual, this is a problem due to her not being able to travel to the ritual site after burning all ten Goats to end the game and complete it.

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Requesting a cheat to pick up the goats/ rats/ etc without the hay / bowls

Can’t we freeze any other ghost besides Anna?

The DEVOUR cheats have been updated!


  • No Damage cheat added
  • Super Speed cheat added

Game crashes when unfreeze Anna, other works well

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Game crashes when you unfreeze Anna and others but all other cheats work!


Game crashes when unfreeze anna sometimes