DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

That’s what I’m doing to get the message. Even tried running as administrator.

This error can be shown becuase an anti virus is blocking WeMod

Keep getting an error when I start the game telling me that the attributes are broken or something. When I use the unlimited attribute points cheat it breaks the attribute chart in the game to where they don’t stay permanent through saving. I have to keep reallocating them to where they were before exiting the game. They are always back at 0.

pliizzzz update this game

I’m using a Torrent, not steam. Only 2 of the cheats actually load and stay registered. So, i’m not sure what to do.

That’s why this is made for steam version. We dont support torrents or cracked games on here
Will have to get steam version.

Leider funktionier das bei mir nicht.
We Re having trouble loading the cheats into yout game wird angezeigt.

Hello everyone.

The developer of this trainer is retired from WeMod. Therefore it is likely out of date and will not be updated.

A newer trainer has been made by @MrAntiFun. Please make sure you select the trainer made by him in the WeMod desktop app.

Thank you.