DRAGON QUEST HEROES II Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I can’t activate cheat
It’s wemod v3 if I launch the game that was launch successful
but error message in infinity fail to launch
How to I fix it?

Try clicking Play again. Are you using steam version?

no sirven ami si me ejecuta el juego pero siguen saliendo todos en off una basura en pocas palabras

Thanks for reply
But I click play again that just spined and show same message

when use unlimited skill points I am now unable to get into any of the dungon quest keeps telling me that I need at least leve 3. prior to using cheat I was at level 21 got in the dungon with no problem.

I’m interested in that hack mate, if you don’t mind sharing. Grinding for proficiency is literally the worst thing in this game.

why am i getting the error message of failed to start and find the game? HELP~

Run the game yourself then attach infinity.

" We are having trouble starting or finding your opened game."
still same. advice pls

Paste the log here

DEBUG [aurelia] Loading plugin services/trainerlib/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Configured plugin services/trainerlib/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Loading plugin services/trainer-versioning/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Configured plugin services/trainer-versioning/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Loading plugin services/trainer-storage/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Configured plugin services/trainer-storage/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Loading plugin services/trainer-compatibility/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Configured plugin services/trainer-compatibility/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Loading plugin services/trainer-development/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [aurelia] Configured plugin services/trainer-development/index.
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/trainer.html Array(13)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-category-header.html Array(1)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-cheats-list.html Array(3)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-cheat.html Array(10)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-launch-button.html Array(1)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-no-installation-button.html Array(3)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-not-compatible-button.html Array(2)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-settings.html Array(4)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [templating] importing resources for cheats/resources/elements/trainer-hotkey.html Array(2)
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Aquiring trainer license…
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Aquiring trainer DLL…
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Launching the game…
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Aquiring trainer license…
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Aquiring trainer DLL…
vendor-bundle-b14569e249.js:1 DEBUG [trainer-init] Launching the game…

Start the game first then attach infinity to it

Where did you get the game from? Did you pirate it?

From steam

Try disabling your antivirus/checking your firewall or clear the cache of infinity. Infinity can’t inject the dll for some reason and idk why.

But i know it’s not a trainer error.

anyone know how to fix the dragon quest heroes bug wwhen i toggle unlimited health goes to 999 but when i turn it off im stuck with permant 1 hp

2018/5/10 this cheats unusable

I can start the game from Infinity fine, but the trainer won’t activate or detect the game when it’s on. Update please?

Update needed please unlimited health, mana, and tension do not work

infinite mana works, infinite gold works, one hit kill works, however something happens that leads to my characters instantly dying from touching healing herbs; why is that?

p.s. is it because the game needs an update?