EHarris's 15th Lobby (Free)




Welcome to EHarris Black Ops 15th Lobby[b]

[size=30]This will be Done online with the new patch from Hippie Found Here :The Tech Game - Patch you can use to infect yourself to host “15th lobbies”

This is a Free Lobby to the members here on xboxmb

If you would Like in the lobby just post your gt

Be sure if you get into the lobby post legit and Thank the topic :smile:[/b]

I am Going to walmart to buy a 1 month to host on so if you would like my new gt please PM me.

OPEN Sill working things out be on it 10 :smile:

Note: I Will Need Help so if anyone that has a jtag would like to join me in helping out pm me and I will help you set this all up for you.


Omfg awesome.

Invite XMB Gurvir when you’re back…

Invite Pro RushHD when you can


This should be in Diamond BTW

should be in the game with me esction

So much win.

I’ll be there :]

<3 EHarris




Awesome man, Inv Skoalin

Wait… Insta-ban?

inv x tOo iNsaNe

While your gone for the two hours, I’ll be posting my gamertag. Thanks for doing this, EHarris. My gamertag is Filthy Headshot (notice the space between “Filthy” and “Headshot”.

You know my GT. :wink: Invite me when you can please

inv True Xenon then tell me how to do it bro

GT: Spartan Tay

Invite Xi Ironmaan xD when you can

Thanks for contributing to the community :smile:

Can this get you banned?

GT: Alexmxx

I have a jtag, anyway i can help?

That’s what i thought…