ELDEN RING Cheats and Trainer for Steam

this is the file

Try shutting down epic games? I dunno, I don’t use that site so I don’t know if or why that would affect wemod. I don’t think it should though. The EAC is probably the cause but I don’t see why that would be running if a game isn’t running it.

when i start the game through the file the anti cheat icon in the corner pops up

Then it is as I said. You’ve messed up trying to turn the EAC off. Go back and try again, follow the instructions under “required reading” or alternatively you could check on the nexus. I’m fairly certain I saw a mod that removed EAC automatically.

this is what i see and i did do everything under required reading but still nothing I don’t wanna get into nexus that’s the last resort

Hey just wanted to throw a question out to whoever can help. After that first patch that rolled out last week around the 17th I’ve been running into a random stuttering issue and I have a suspicion that this has to do with wemod in general because I’ve done everything I could find on the internet but nothing fixes it. Well I just tried today to run it without wemod even running in the background and that seemed to make the stutters happen a lot less often. If I do not run the mod and just have wemod open it starts to stutter again. I have a RTX 3070 with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and 32gb ram. with wemod and Elden Ring running I get about 40 - 50% usage from all my specs in low settings but the the random stutter happens and then the GPU drops to about low 20s%. Before the patch I was running smoothly with both running. Any thoughts.
Thanks in advanced!

if you don’t activate the trainer you can’t toggle any cheats via hotkey and if you aren’t online when using the trainer you probably won’t get put in quarantine. i fail to see the problem to be honest.

in any case, you can delete a hotkey by selecting it and hitting DEL.

get rid off the .exe just have eldenring and name the eac start_protected_game
also wemod do this you dont have to disable it as wemod do it.

Thanks for the response! I play the steam version. What you mention about changing values does make sense to me. I still can’t run the game properly. I wonder if I’ve maxed things out top much like my levels and cause a conflict in the game. The other day I went ahead and disabled are running services with exception to steam’s, made sure all other EACs were turned off, dropped graphics to medium, and dropped res to 720. I was able to play a little bit longer but inevitably I crashed. I crash even when I don’t use Wemod. A reboot most times will get me about 20 minutes of game time. I don’t know what it can be causing this.

I’ve done everything as well. Once you get your first stutter it’s all downhill from there. I’m going to try a new character with no trainer, at 720p and medium graphics. If I crash it has to be the game!

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So if I want to play the game with my friends on my main Steam account, yet have another account (with family sharing) that i use for modding games, can I use that account to mod and still not be banned when I switch back? Do i still have to turn off the anticheat?

Another question is if I cheat on my 2nd account could that negatively affect my actual game files? I’m seeing some people say that they can’t even open the game anymore, so I’m sure that would affect both accounts, as they’re on the same computer and therefore share files.

I normally just want to use WeMod to get all the weapon/armor and spells and ashes of war. That is all I’m using WeMod for, so when I decide to play online and not using WeMod anymore will I be able to or do I need to make a new character?

So far I’ve only used Rune Multipliers. No other cheats. Think I’ll be able to play online?

Any way to add a way to pause the game while in menus?

I think if you just use this trainer just to get all the gears except the story one where you have to kill a certain boss from the Main Quest or so and don’t get max rune using the rune cheat instead adjust it accordingly then I think it should let you log back into the game “Online”. Because I just tested and log into the game “Online” and it was fine. However, I haven’t tried to summon people for co-op yet so I don’t know about that part.

Is current trainer version usable after 1.03.2 update?

add .txt to the end of the appid file.

Adding gear does get you banned. Bans don’t get served immediately but in waves. Usually within 1 week or so from what I’ve heard. It flags your save so you can always just use a new character for online play.

Granted a soft ban only blocks you access to “public” online play. You still get messages, stains and passworded co-op so it actually might make the game easier since no invasions.

Not 100% sure if i understood correctly but i haven’t heard of anyone getting VAC banned in From’s games. Bans affect your saves and not your steam account.

About your second question. Personally i have never had issues in any game since majority of these types of cheats only modify running code. They don’t change game files, with the exception of anti-cheat bypasses. The worst thing’s that could happen are usually one-off crashes or breaking item’s if you try to modify them past hardcoded limits.

All cheats work as intended with no issues. I have yet to experience a problem.