Endless Space 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

It’s still marked as ‘compatible’ so there’s no ‘request update’ button.

This post, with the red exclamation mark above it to highlight its importance, contains all the information and links you need: Endless Space 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Including why there is no request button (which was there when @ptondo answered above). :slight_smile:

just to make sure i’m reading it right, we’re currently waiting for the mods to be declared broken before we can request an update for the game? :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

Not quite, @ZaDaddy. :slight_smile:
With tens of thousands of trainers on WeMod, that would become a tad bit too time consuming. There aren’t enough hours in a day. :laughing:

When there’s no request update button, it usually either means:

  1. A trainer update is not needed. For example, because there has not been a game update (updates to games are detected automatically by the system).
  2. The trainer is already in the update queue. For example, because it reached the maximum number of votes or because it failed an internal test.

Hello, will it be an update? using the mod make the game crash.

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After the new “Final Patch” update for Endless Space 2(https://store.steampowered.com/newshub/app/392110/view/2859177682399957587), the cheats ALWAYS crash the game, despite following instructions.


Same here, wish I could add more but that’s what is happening.


This trainer currently crashes the game, heads up. Requires an update.


Every option crashes the game, with the exception of “Enable Developer Menu” which just seems to do nothing at all. Is there any chance of an upcoming update to this mod?

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PLEASE!!! UPDATE!!! Its not working at all. I would like to pay for the updating, really love this game! Its not compatible anymore!!!

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Welcome to the community @kkkkkdw.

You need to request an update via the WeMod dekstop app.
This link explains how: https://support.wemod.com/article/43-how-do-i-request-an-update-for-games.

Each vote bumps a trainer higher up the development queue. Votes posted on the forum are not counted.

The Endless Space 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Hi just curious I’ve been playing endless space 2 with some friends recently and I wish to mess with them by going umbral and going level 3 clock and just teasing them without hurting them I wish to do this early instead of late game if I active the developer menu in multiplayer is there any kind of repercussion? I ask as I don’t want to get banned from playing multiplayer otherwise I am unable to play with them but I just think it would be funny if they cant find me and I just see what they do every turn

Probably will get banned using this for online / multiplayer.
We only make these for singleplayer use.

The Endless Space 2 cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Hello. God cursor doesn’t work. The only main resource that’s being added is money. Could you please update?

I also have this problem. The only thing that works fine is the developer console. Rest it freezes my resources.

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Anyone have success loading a saved game and then getting the cheats to work again? They work fine as long as I start a new game, but it freezes the resources and they will not go up at all even when I should have a positive income. They do go down if I spend them. Love the game, love the cheats. Would really like it if they worked on a saved game.

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I have the same problem, when i use the cheats, my building que and research que wont move at all and finish anything, no resource gain of any kind. However, If i dont activate anything but the developer menu, then the game works fine, but im only able to use that. If i activate anything else then my game breaks.

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I got the same issue.