Error code 9 on total war warhammer

I’ve tried disabling my antivirus, and i also added an exception for infinity. This happens when i start the game, then the client, and also when i start the client, then start the game from the client.

I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling infinty, as well

Delete %appdata%/Daring Development/Infinity folder

awww yeah worked like a charm. Thanks man. I’m loving the fast replies!

Good work @STN even tho you react really fast my compliments!
Keep it up Infinity.

Try the suggestion posted by @nick_666 over here. i was getting similar error codes, and remvong all appdata folders helped solved my problem.

"Sometimes doing a reinstall doesn’t help, so try to use any “Registry cleaner” to remove previous traces of Infinity from the registry.

Before you re-install Infinity, kindly remove and delete ALL previous traces on your system (use any REGISTRY cleaner/repair tool, if need be).

Go to the following location and path, and manually delete both the “Daring Development” and “Infinity” folders, if they are still there.

C:\Users\Your- Windows USERNAME\AppData\local\Daring Development, as well as C:\Users\Your- Windows USERNAME\AppData\local\Infinity.

Look for the ROAMING folder as well, under AppData. Remove the CACHE folder.

Some folders can found under “Roaming” as well, e.g, . C:\users\Your username\AppData\Roaming\Daring development\Infinity\CACHE.

Check this installed path as well, i.e. C:\Users\Your UserName\AppData\Local\Package cache{some random numbers} folder, if this has been created."