Fallout Shelter Cheats and Trainer for Steam

The version of Infinity I was using is the new one, it does not want to load the trainers for any games now for some reason, when i press start game the game comes up and launches fine but the trainer continues to load until eventually it just says a error saying something like “Could not locate game, please restart then press start game again” i have followed this instruction and it is not fixing it :frowning: the trainer worked fine yesterday and previously in the past but now for some reason it is not loading the trainers


will you please do something about this

Hello, I would like to report a problem i am having with Fallout Shelter’s trainer on Infinity. I have tried to use the trainer of fallout shelter multiple times but for some reason every time i try to activate a cheat on the trainer for fallout shelter in infinity the game stutters for a second then crashes without warning. I don’t know how to fix this and would appreciate it if you would help me with this or fix this as i would really like to use the trainer as it has some good cheats to use in fallout shelter. Thank you in advance - Ivan

i have the same problem but it seem u fix it,how?

Hiya Stinger!

Speed isn’t working. Could you look into it?

Thanks! =)

@STiNGERR Please can trainer be updated to support Windows Store 10 version thank you


I agree, it’d be great! Hope we don’t get banned haha.

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Have there ever been bans in this game though?
I sure havent heard of it

No there has not, right now just using the 3hr time skip

@frank @STiNGERR Can this trainer be adapted to the Windows Store Version? I am happy to help out anyway possible.

The ‘Freeze Lunch box’ cheat doesnt seem to work, i activate it before selecting a lunchbox, it still uses it up and then deactivates right after. Am i not using it the right way?

The game is free though.

And your point is?

It is not very difficult to download it through the bethesda launcher. Unless you get the weird visual bug of course, but still possible.

I understand that, btw if you looked I’m asking for them to make a windows store version

Just trying tell you that the game is free and can be downloaded in minutes. No real need for an additional trainer.

I can’t come up with any other reason for multiple-platform support than saving a small amount of time or the bethesda launcher bugging out.

I need to stay true to my name and encourage things with negative after-effects for the humanity, like canceling trainers.

Alright I’m done.

Im pretty sure you can use the same save both for UWP as the one without.
Like, we can use the android save on our phone on the PC version so it shouldnt be that bad.

Either way, try to transfer you save @SG-1

Well I never played the android version and only started playing on my pc . Also I have no idea where the save file is located in UWP Games if not I would have tried a save editor on hex editor. As for @sNake have no idea what your on about if I choose to play it on UWP and ask for a trainer then that’s my prerogative.

Reason i talked about Android. It then sounded very flexable.
Then i thought it cant be that different on two PC format.

Its just to download the game outside UWP then put your UWP save here:
Documents/My Games/Fallout Shelter

If there is another is another save location for UWP. Im not sure about that cause i couldnt find any.

Could you download the game and see what happen if you start the game from this download. http://www.falloutshelter.com/

What i think @sNaKe is saying is that it would be a waste of time to have both.
Since we probably have to start following two update paths then.

Imho i dont care about UWP myself and i dont see the need for it.
If the devs feel they need it they add it.