Flight of Shadows (Hidden Consumable)

  1. Activate a Jackolyte
  2. Talk to Xur (He’s downstairs near the crucible handler)
  3. Buy Flight of Shadows consumable for 1 strange coin each.

It doesn’t appear if you don’t use the Jackolyte.

Apparently there’s special Halloween sparrows you can get as well, I have no idea how to get them though…

Here’s a link:

Scroll down the page a bit and you’ll see them, I want the black one.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s as simple as using the consumable and talking to the sparrow vendor

Possibly, you want to test it? I would but I only have one more jackolyte

Honestly I’m too lazy to go look right now. Maybe later

My friend just tested it, no go…

What about the crucible handler that sells sparrows? Tell him to check all the vendors

He checked, the shipwright lady, the speaker, the crucible guy, vanguard robot, and the vanguard masters, nothing. Someone will figure it out though

Maybe, just maybe…one has to:

  • Purchase a Rare Sparrow from the Vendor. (175x Vanguard Marks)
  • Purchase a Sparrow upgrade from Xur. (23x Strange Coins)
  • Than upgrade said Rare Sparrow.

…all while having consumed a Jackolyte.

Personally, it makes sense since the Halloween Sparrows are Legendary and when one purchases/upgrades their Rare Sparrow it becomes a Legendary. Plus, with Bungie wanting everything to be fair/can’t be abused it would be hard to obtain all Halloween Sparrows since it may require one to purchase a Rare Sparrow for the 175x Vanguard Marks.

Just a guess.