Forza 4 Top Secret Supra From Hell! (00:13.997 Mile) + Wheelie


Enjoy :smile:

600+? :open_mouth:

What. The. Hell.


edit* did u edit the .iso and change the top speed?

I edited the files on JTAG :stuck_out_tongue:

I changed alot :smile:

How did you only get 14 seconds?
I am pretty sure my modded Mini could do a mile in close to that time. The max speed was like 370 in that

Speedo is in kph not mph.

I could do way quicker still gotta modify the clutch and put more weight in the front and tune it lol i can get bout 10 11 s

And i can still add heaps more power to it and make it go faster

And the speed is KM/H lol

Now 10 second mile would be something Iā€™d like to see haha
I am going to work on getting a Hummer to do a mile under 20 seconds

Ill make a 10s car and put it up :smile:

mind sharing your edits?

Wtf. Am I the only one Who noticed the wheelie?

I love all of these mods, only learned about them a few days back and have had lots of fun, most fun car has to be civic type r 97, 0.00001 inches off the ground and goes 450 mph, wheel spins right up to 200 mph :laughing:


Level 2000 (x)?

I must have the car. :wink:

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