FOUNDRY Cheats and Trainer for Steam

This is the official discussion topic of the FOUNDRY Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Items
2. Set Item Multiplier
3. Set Inventory Slots
4. [Slot 1] Set Item Count
5. Set Drill Range Multiplier
6. Set Drill Speed Multiplier
7. Unlimited Science Packs
8. Unlimited Fuel
9. Instant Research
10. Instant Crafting
11. Set Movement Speed Multiplier


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 05/10/2024
    Started development

  • 05/10/2024
    Released trainer with 11 cheats

  • 05/30/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

  • 08/13/2024
    Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

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Check out all of the games WeMod supports here.

The FOUNDRY cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 11 cheats
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Does the infinite item option make the mining areas unlimited?

with no mods on seed on walking is super fast it’s like movement speed is turn on even if set to 1 or 0. Tried to use set drill range and Crashed to desktop.

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WARNING - Do not use Set Item Count over 100! if you sort with 1000+ all your items will self delete and you’ll need to load a previous save or autosave.
( this depends on the items stack number )

  • You have been Warned! HAHAHA* have fun :laughing:

Underground you’ll find endless voxels of resources. You need to RESEARCH to get the miners. Good luck. ^.^

an den lieben Programmierer ich habe leider damit ein kleines Problem sobald ich den Trainer aktiviere ist die Spielgeschwindigkeit ganz schnell als vorher bevor ich diesen Trainer aktiviere bitte upgradet hast dass man das deaktivieren kann das ist das mir viel zu schnell vielen herzlichen Dank

Thanks for this! Almost everything works as intended save the movement speed multiplier. I set it to 2, however instead of making my character twice as fast as when Speed 1 is selected (ie default speed) - it made my character SUPER fast to the point that fine movement is impossible, so I won’t use that option for now.

Beware of item multiplier and picking up multiple stacks - I have lost my entire inventory because picking up a chest full of items overwrote my whole inventory and I had to delete the lot and load a prior save - This was during testing.

If I may, I’d like to request a “freeze time” option. Another Trainer provider has a “Freeze time at noon” option but their trainer isn’t attaching to the game at the moment and frankly, WeMod is better in many regards. I just want it to be perpetual day, but maybe freezing time is a bit easier to implement?

Thanks again.

Super fast movement speed even when set to 1 (wont let me set to 0) makes this unusable at the moment.

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My Trainer don’t Work atm… Seems like its broken dont know why :frowning:

Hi! Which mod didn’t work for you? What happens when you try to activate it?

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Unlimited Items. It Consumes Items from the Inventory even if the Mod is on. 8 Hours Ago everything was fine when i last Played but now it seems nothing works anymore.

Can you try the steps below if you have time?

*Close the WeMod app first. Make sure to quit it from the system tray to close it completely.
*Launch the game on Steam.
*Then launch your game save.
*Once you are in the game and can move, open the trainer in the WeMod app and click Play.
*Activate the mods again and see if there’s a difference.

Done it.

  1. Unlimited Items → Dont Work
  2. Set Item Multiplier → Work
  3. Set Inventory Slots → Work
  4. [Slot 1] Set Item Count → Work
  5. Set Drill Range Multiplier → Dont Work
  6. Set Drill Speed Multiplier → Dont Work
  7. Unlimited Science Pack → Work
  8. Unlimited Fuel → Work
  9. Instant Research → Work
  10. Instant Crafting → Work
  11. Set Movement Speed Multiplier → Work
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I will report this to the team so they can check the trainer. I’ll let you know once I hear from them.


i think it’s because of todays Game-Update :thinking:

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The FOUNDRY cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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I believe there is a new bug since the most recent update to the trainer. When you toggle on infinite items, after a while (I have not tested enough to determine how long) items will stop being outputted from the logistics boxes (which should also be infinite while the infinite item mod is on). This was not an issue prior to the most recent trainer update. The only way to fix this (that I have found) and get the items to output again is to reset the game. Even if you toggle off infinite items, remove and re-add the chests, loaders, belts, the items in logistics containers will not move / output from said containers.

UPDATE #1: I think when the logistics chest output their “full” inventory, that is when they “break” and stop outputting items, when you are using the infinite item mod. For example, say a chest holds 3200 items. After it dispenses those 3200, it stops dispensing any more items. I have found that you can delete the chest and replace it, and it will dispense another 3200, then stop. Only way to fix this that I have found is to restart the game and just never enable the infinite items mods. Very annoying. As once you turn it on, turning it off in the same session does not resolve the issue.

UPDATE #2: I would recommend DO NOT USE infinite items mod if you have any logistics chests. And most likely everyone is using those chests. Otherwise, items will stop dispensing from those chests and any machines relying on the outputs from those chests will thus stop working since they will stop receiving the needed input items. DEV PLEASE FIX THIS!!! :weary:

It’s almost as if after dispensing the max number of items the chest can hold (i.e 3200 items on the big chests), while the inifinite items mod is on, the game stops recognizing that there are items in the chest to dispense. And then just stops. At which point you must restart the game and never turn on the infinite items mod or else your entire factory will essentially just stop working. (unless you don’t use a single logistics chest, which I doubt anyone is doing).

Activating WeMod with Foundry causes the character to suddenly act as though the “Movement Speed” is set to like 5 or more, and then deactivating WeMod causes the character to stop responding entirely. The game still runs, you just can’t move or look around anymore. Restarting the game fixes this but the movement speed problem returns if you re-activate WeMod. I did not actually activate any options, it just happened upon pressing “Play” in WeMod.

as soon as i click the “play” button, game goes in “the flash” mode, charachter runs super fast, nothing is activated on the app, i just pressed “play” . tried on a fresh session aswell , always the same result.

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