[Free Game] [Expires when all keys claimed] Roller Champions (Playstation 4)

Roller Champions, which is currently in beta, is being given free on Playstation 4 for a short time.

Expires when all keys are claimed.

:small_blue_diamond: Regional restrictions (Europe only).
:small_blue_diamond: Website is in French. But keys are redeemable from most European countries.
:small_blue_diamond: The game is in beta currently. If you download and play the game before its official launch, you will also get a unique title in the game, a free skin and a free outfit.

Get this game free

  1. Enter your email here: http://freekeys.opsgaming.fr/jv/roller-champions.
  2. Copy the key. Redeem it here: https://redeem.ubisoft.com/roller-champions.
  3. Check email for yet another key. Redeem that one via Playstation Store on your console. Or via the Playstation website (click your avatar in the top-right then choose Redeem Key")