Gamerscore Modding has been PATCHED! *read*

Told you. Your ghetto-ass editor just is so bad that it doesn’t work. This is the stupidest thread I have ever seen and you clearly have no common sense. Don’t just say it is patched if you didn’t try it or ask somebody else to try it. Somebody’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.

LAST POST: once you recover your gamertag to any hard drive or device after the Decemeber 6th, 2011 dashboard release, you will no longer be able to mod your gamerscore with any external software including Horizon, Profile Editor, or any other programs.

Go home, wannabe Major Nelson.

Oh well, what a shame. I never did it anyway.

I expect this still works.
Why would they store my profile on Cloud if I haven’t set it up?

@Imitate agreed

Well I just wasted 10 minutes of my life proving you’re wrong. Everything still works, stop spreading lies. You’re a random kiddie with zero knowledge of the Xbox file system and I hope you get banned.

they dont store it on cloud, bad choice of wording, they just dont release your entire profile string anymore, only a portion which does not include any achievement details… so how is Horizon still gonna work when they changed the recovery process?

I’m gonna test this really quick, tired of the fighting, if it is, well I never mod my gamerscore anyways.

Release my profile string? lol.
My profile would surely be corrupt then.

or maybe don’t set up cloud and you’ll be aok. recovering your profile doesn’t initiate cloud.

this is one of the silliest scare-tactics i’ve seen in a long time. and from a random, no less! he isn’t even pretending to be a M$ employee or anything, he’s just flaunting his idiocy about.

ps. there’s no such thing as a profile string that holds achievement data, achievement data is in .gpds, and the profile string holds **** like devkit account or whatever else. good fight?

I can confirm achievement modding DOES still work, although they compacted the profile size for quicker download. I even have cloud setup.

It still works. Don’t believe this random.

I got reset for modding 1 mother****ing game when I had legit 50k, I am an achievement *****. Very clever Microsoft very very clever.

Still works wtf noobbbbbbbbb

It is not patched.

I just tried and got 3k Gamerscore more.

Stop causing spam and you are not allowed to share diamond membership.

If your ‘roommate’ carry’s on to allow you to use his diamond membership you will be banned from Horizon as far as I know.

Well I don’t see how they can stop you from unlocking achievements offline… i guess they could’ve changed the structure of profiles around a bit?

Verdict: Not patched.

In the future, don’t make baseless claims. Thanks to all the people who tested.