Generation Zero Cheats and Trainer for Steam

infinite companion health pls uwu


Is spread and recoil still working? also can we have infinite building health?

infinite companion health pls PLZ

can we get cheat for schematics pls make my play better

The Generation Zero cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Unlimited stamina seem not work after the update. Pressed F2 but it goes back to off mode immediately.

same here

Throwing my faulty unlimited stamina setting in there too. Playing GZ now makes me feel tired and slide down out of my chair. Other than that, EXCELLENT JOB! So much fun!

Hi guys,

I’m not sure if the question has been asked yet, but I’d appreciate a cheat that improves the precision.

Stamina cheat doesnt work.

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Hi guys, same here the stamina i have assigned to F2 makes a different sound when activated but does not work since update

a mod for resources and blueprints points would be amazing all so the stamina cheat dose not work


Stamina still broken, looking forward to an update in the future.

i found an issue when using inf ammo for somereason when you have heals over 100 and still have mods active next time you go to use one they disapear

update please stamina isnt working

stamina isnt working and maybe add one hit kill.please update

please update this game please stamina isnt working and can you add a damage cheat please

is this game on a do not update list? im seriously asking not trying to be rude.

its been awile since any type of update

These are things I’d like to suggest to be implemented in the new update.

Schematics, Unlimited Resources, Unlock All.
Research, Unlimited Resources, Unlock All.
Challenges; Resistance, Truth, Survivor, Dawn Unlock All.
Also, please don’t make it so infinite items sticks to one number permanently, such as 99, make it so it just doesn’t decrease when used but does increase once collected.

Thank You.

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