Ghost Recon Breakpoint Cheats and Trainer for Uplay

Im so confused am I not to rename the file in the game’s folder? and replace it with the downloaded one?

No, do not replace the file. Just click play in WeMod as the bypass is performed automatically now.

so do we have to do the stuff with the files or is it just as easy as pressing play now?

Update 4.5.0 is released on April 5, the trainer may be stop working

mod hold with the latest update !

stuck in an infinite loading screen after last update :confused:

After the update, the trainer is stable work

No work

Did you launch the game from the app?, Try to launch the game manually from the game folder .

Hey, MrAntiFun. Why after update i need press any number for launch? before the update, everything was automatic. Sorry my bad Eng

So what are the correct, updated instructions? I followed what Pantogam posted to the letter and nothing happens. This is absurd.

Yes, I am having the same issue as Pettylilpunk. Nothing is working for me and can’t figure it out sadly.

According to my instructions, it should work. Should I record the startup video again?

  1. where did you buy the game? ubisoft connect or epic games?
  2. after you click on the play button in wemod what happens? what error does it write? send a screenshot here.
    p.s. I advise you to put a checkmark in the settings of ubisoft connect to “start automatically when you log in to windows”.

Ubisoft Connect. The game starts and then crashes immediately and WeMod doesn’t give an error, just asks if I want to save the cheats for next time.

Sorry for late reply but I got it working just fine.

And without a trainer game runs normally or as immediately crashes?
try checking the game files in ubisoft connect (right-click the game icon → check files)

Hello everyone, did everything as instruction says, but when unbisoft connect try to launch tha game wemod failed to do it and says “we’re having trouble starting or finding your opened game”, so what can be the problem?

The way I got it to work is:

  1. DL the GRB_BE bypass and follow the steps (I know they said you don’t need it now but I still recommend it since that is the only way I got it to work for me)

  2. open the “new” GRB_BE and run as admin (After following the steps of installing bypass)

  3. The black box (console) should automatically close by itself once ready (This should open your game automatically)

  4. Once you are in the game menu, then press play on wemod app

This should get it to work. I’ve tried the updated method but nothing worked until I did this.

Any chance of adding a cheat for adding Camo Points to enhance your optical camo?