1. Infinite Stamina
2. Infinite Energy
3. No Slime
4. No Player Fear
5. Instant Tethering
6. Unbreakable Tether
7. Unlimited Trap Battery
8. No Civilian Fear
9. No Property Damage
10. No Room Haunting
11. No Building Haunt
12. Instant Acceleration
13. Movement Speed Multiplier
14. Jump Height Multiplier
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
Updates and Changes:
10/24/2022 Started development
10/24/2022 Released trainer with 11 cheats
11/01/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
12/14/2022 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
02/01/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
05/01/2023 Unlimited Trap Battery cheat added
05/05/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/02/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
08/03/2023 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
10/25/2023 No Player Fear cheat added No Room Haunting cheat added No Building Haunt cheat added
01/22/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
04/01/2024 Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
um can you make cheats for playing the ghosties to? no cool downs? no running out of energy, and quick haunts? and untouchable by traps, or permanent sabotage packs
Can you add more options, like options for playing as a ghost (unlimited energy, fast haunting, no cooldown, instant sabotage) and maybe the possibility to deactivate the AI for mission like destroy a rift alone or what other mission that need the dumb AI to stay away?
please no cool downs on ghost skills, give ghostys some love, aslo, packs overheated instantly and trapbattery dead be good cheats when playing a ghost
i found that if you shut off the cheats as your catching the last ghost, my game doesn’t crash. i have noticed that even though at the end of mission it says i level, when i get back to the fire house, i have not. i’m not gaining levels with wemod running.
Unbreakable Tether no longer works on the latest version :
+1 for score/xp multipliers
+1 for more ghost cheats like unlimited ability’s
I also have to be sure to disable all cheats other than movement related ones before the game ends to avoid the game crashing.
Is it possible to progmatically detect the round end/countdown and automatically disable the cheats to save us mad dashing to turn them off when a round ends sooner than expected.
hi, just to let you know that the code for the tether is not working. looks like the tether can be broken suddenly. can you help please? thanks.
hi, just found out that the tether can be broken after a few seconds. hope i got this in the right place. ive been tryign to send this over a week but im confused about how to see things here. hope the message gets to the people needed, thanks for any info.
ok after busting a ghost and it going to the firehouse the game closes instead of getting to the firehouse not sure what cheat is causing this but possible bug with newest version of the game