[Givaway] GTA V & Dead Rising 4

What is a pig you get spray

im your price, come to my place to claim me <3

This means you will give me the Garry’s Mod Steam key?

Only if you come to my place…

Where’s you place?

thats the catch, you gotta use your tracking skills and find out

I obvs won guys.

Yeah of course i rigged it for you killah4neva

hey but i paid you one million zimbabwean dollars for that privilege!

I didnt get my bacon yet, you pig.

8Hours left

I had a nice conversation with you!

So you are SuriPolomareFan2003?

No. I’m N1ceToMeetYou :frowning: We talked about drinking together remember? :sob:

Yes brother, of course i remember. I bring all the booze.

Thank god! You scared me there
Anyways Holiday season soon still need a place to drive to know a good spot? :stuck_out_tongue:

@SuriPolomareFan2003 english gives it away. Writes good internet english (though with insignificant errors) yet doesn’t fully comprehend what people are saying. Most likely a troll account.

Some other possibilities: They could be,
very young,
a very slow learner,
autistic (or similarly socially handicapped).

And you know it.

Yeah i thought it was a troll or he was just very stupid.
Either way, i didnt want to give him any satisfaction by getting angry at him.
Since thats what he want.

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Yes, ignoring that kind of troll usually works since they are doing it for entertainment.

Ofc but i replied to see if it was a troll or a stupid person.
Then i sent him to @Sproy, he got many nice messages last night.

I thought you guys handled it perfectly.