Godfall Ultimate Edition Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Godfall Ultimate Edition
This is the official discussion topic of the Godfall Ultimate Edition Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!

Download Trainer

Download the trainer or find it in the WeMod app.

Trainer Options and Cheats:

1. Unlimited Health
2. Max Fury Gauge
3. Unlimited Archon Fury Duration
4. Set Player Movement Speed
5. Set Player Speed
6. Unlimited Weapon Energy/Instant Technique Cooldown
7. Instant Shield Techniques Cooldown
8. Set Enemy Movement Speed
9. One-Hit Kills


Supported Game Versions:

We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!

Updates and Changes:

  • 04/19/2022
    Started development

  • 04/19/2022
    Released trainer with 9 cheats

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The Godfall Ultimate Edition cheats have been updated!


  • Released trainer with 9 cheats

Can there be an option to have unlimited skill points?.


Any chance of an add level or xp in the near future?


First off thx for the work that you guys do!

Also, is there a chance that there can be a loot drop rate increase or 100% drop rate added?


Unlimited HP does not work in DreamStones over Lvl50.
I keep dying randomly to certain enemy attacks, Weapon Techniques and when Bosses Die, of all things… Super annoying.

Not much else to say, everything else seems to work… except the HP mod.
If I die, that means it isn’t working.
NOW, I am playing on Hard for the Bonus Loot Drop, but every time I do a Dreamstone or a Tower, occasionally I randomly die when certain enemies attack me during my attack or when I kill certain enemies the game just kills me. This also happens in the Spirit Realm thing.

When walking after starting the prologue, my character slow walks. It doesn’t do this when the trainer is not activated.

NVM I figured out what was wrong. I just has Player Speed on slightly high.

Hey there, any chance to get some edit options for resources? :')

Mr.Anti fun, i will PayPal you 100 bucks if you can get loot drop rate and a legendary drop rate tab , if you want more money i got it to piss away.

Sup guys, thak you for your work.
Can you put one option on the trainer for godfall ultimate edition that you have posted on wemod please

The options that i was thinking to ask you are:
Stealth mode (because this is very useful when we are just doing dreamstones in order to farm orbs)
Loot option (to have an option to choice how much loot % i whant to increase)

Opyional is:
100% crit chance
100% ailment chance
infinite souls

All this options are possible the people from cheat evolution have this options on their trainer already, i´m asking you to help me if its possible because i have wemod premium membership and i prefeer to usind wemod app and wile i´m using wemod app other trainers or cheat tables can´t be used.

Thank you for you atencion

Best regards

Hello, i wanted to know if someone is going to update the cheat. I had an issue with the 1 hit kill at the beginning. It was killing me everytime i was walking or taking the healing orb.

And if you can add some cheats like a cash cheat, a skill point cheat and a loot option for legendary. Thanks. BR.