If you know any good OG Gamertags post them here.
Open Me
If you any that are available PM them to me please? Most likely not though.
Open Me
I’m kinda getting tired of this GT.
If you know any good OG Gamertags post them here.
If you any that are available PM them to me please? Most likely not though.
I’m kinda getting tired of this GT.
You’r not going to get a OG gamertag
Good Luck .
They are basically all taken.
I need to write a response so I can copy/paste into all these “OG” threads I see.
Stop trying to get a “cool” Gamertag. There are people who spend all day-- for whatever ungodly reason–just trying to get these Gamertags so they can sell them to dumb people at crazy prices.
Just pick a Gamertag that means something to you. Nothing with “designs” (zZCoDScopesxX) or stupid **** like that. Use numbers along with stuff you can actually read.
My Gamertag used to be Totally Trav. It’s dumb but that’s the fun of it. As long as you like it, nothing anyone else thinks matters.
You say this yet your gamertag is Professor Oak?
Just make one up… like my name is “Seth Parmer” so I made my gamertag “Parmersan” just be creative.
What is wrong with having the GT Professor Oak?
I love Pokemon and have played it since it first came out.
Professor Oak isn’t og if that’s what your trying to get at.
My GT is horney9389. You can only guess what kind of s*** people ask/send me
Professor Oak seems pretty original to me. In the context of gamertags, there’s a difference between “Professor Oak922” and “Professor Oak”.
Let him get an “og” gamertag. Its not hurting anyone. Although I do agree seeing these threads are annoying.
It’s semi at best but there are pretty much 0 OG’s left without buying one.
No, this would be classed as OG. People would pay good money for Trav’s tag. You should see some of the god awful things people class as semi OG.
Basically what I am trying to get at is that people who are Pokemon fans would probably consider buying “Professor Oak” as a gamertag.
Out of curiosity, what determines if its semi?
OG is stupid enough, calling some semi oG is even worse. I like Professor Oak, it’s not OG buts its unique and it’s his. I like my GT and don’t care if anyone else doesn’t like it.