Grand Theft Auto V Cheats and Trainer for Rockstar Games

The trainer works great. All the cheats work. The only problem I have seen is the game throws an error when I exit. It isn’t a big deal and doesn’t harm anything. I just thought I’d let you know.

@MrAntiFun Hey, Really Great Content and thank you for all this years of dedication.
While playing GTA V in Wemod app Im unable to use Unlimited Money Cheat it does not work. Other Cheats just work fine. Using MRantifun Cheat.
Any help?
##Edit I have restarted the game and it started to wrok after several atempts.

Good to hear you’ve got it to work. :slight_smile:

Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for the trainer to work. So it’s best to launch the game first then wait on the main menu for about 5 minutes. Then alt+tab to WeMod to press Play. :slight_smile:


I have a problem with unlimited money.
Basically it only works onone character.
when I switch to another it just doesn’t seem to update the cash

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Turn turning the cheat off and on again. If that still doesnt work, Save exit to desktop and reload

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God mode vehicle make any vehicle I’m get in to god mode so I cant destroy a garbage car in the mission even I’m start a new game can you help me with this?

Welcome to the community. :slight_smile:

The simple fix is to don’t turn the cheat on until you’ve done that mission.
Game-breaking bugs like that are part of the risk of cheating in games that we dirty cheaters have to deal with. :slight_smile:

can you but in a “give all weapons” button and a “give $100000” button as well because i would love to use the minigun with explosive bullets :slight_smile:


So, first of all, thanks for taking time into making a trainer with all of these options.

Unfortunatly, I can’t get it to work. I have GTA5 on Steam (Rockstar Games Social Club is launched automatically with it) and I just can’t get the “Play” option to appear.

The trainer says “Compatible”, but even if I launch the game with Steam and Alt+Tab to check the trainer, no “Play” option available like explained in the Notes in the trainer. I’ve tried many things but no way to get this trainer detected. Game updated to the latest version and same for WeMod app.

Another trainer that is flagged “Maybe compatible” but with less options (from STN) works and I can launch the game with the “Play” option in WeMod app.

I only play in offline mode of course, in History Mode.

You probably haven’t dismissed the important note that says “Read To Play” first.

There are two options. The “got it” button or the X in the corner. But read it first. :slight_smile:

Well, I’m not stupid, I read informations you know.

And if you read my comment, you can see that I already mentioned that I launch the game with Steam like mentioned in the “Read to play” window, so, if I mentioned that it’s because I’ve done what that says but that don’t work. I’ve quoted the lines from my comment.

So, I’ve read it. Why do you say this to me when I just explained that I’ve done exactly what the window say ? Answer to my comment is nice but read it first. :+1:

I’m afraid you’ve misread.

Press the “Got It” button, as said in my post, to dismiss the note. Then the Play button appears. It’s that simple. :slight_smile:
You do not mention doing this at all in your post.

Post a screenshot of what you see, if you’re still having an issue.

I don’t misread.

Again, here is what I said :

So, if I play the game and launch the trainer, it’s technically an obligation to click on “Got it” or close the window, especially if I say :

That imply that the information window is closed with “Got it” or with the cross, right ? So, if I have the game launched and I can confirm that the “Play” button is not there it’s because I have the game launched and the window closed, right ? It’s like that in all trainers with this option like the ones who required us to find the executable when WeMod app can’t find it.

And the fact is that if I want to be able to click on “Play”, I must close this window, right ? It’s how WeMod works.

So, if I say :

That imply that I already close the window with “Got it” or with the cross.

So, I already explained that doing the things right to normally get access to the “Play” button, so close the window with the cross or the “Got it” option, is not working. If I don’t close the “Got it” window, I just can’t see the “Play” button appear or can’t say if it appear or not. So, if I can say that it’s not there, it’s because I already done this, don’t you think ?

So, maybe it’s not me that have misread :wink:

So, to be clear : I launch Steam then Social Club, I launch the game, when the game is in Main Menu, I Alt+Tab to come bak on the desktop, I open WeMod app, I select the game then the trainer, I open the trainer window, I click on “Got it” and/or close the window but I never get the “Play” button to appear when it should be. That’s all. I just use another trainer. That’s all I have to say.

I have read everything to and very confused as why the play button is not there ?
Ok you click on gta trainer , it opens , and still no play button top right corner ?
Out of 114 comments no one else has said the play button is not there

You were asked to provide a screenshot of what you see.

Nobody else is having the issue. And, as my screenshot shows, I’m not having the issue either. Whatever it is - is likely on your end. Post a screenshot.

First of all, hi. Thanks for answering. I don’t know why. I just never have any issue with other games, just that until now, the trainer never show the “Play” button. I’ve already experienced this once but exiting and relaunching WeMod app solve the issue. I have made a file check for the game even if I know that will not change anything and all is okay.

I’ve tried to find a way to launch the game really offline like getting Steam in offline mode but the Social Game don’t have this ability.

I’m going to try something else today and I will come back to give a feedback.

But you know, it’s not because 114 people don’t report anything that there is not more than 1000 people who can have an issue, they just don’t report it and surely try another trainer like I’ve done until then. The thing is I just report what I experience to share this, not to complain, WeMod is a really great tool when I’m stuck or when I want options to experience the story in a game. So, that’s not really a problem especially if this kind of issue is an isolated one.

EDIT : I just try to uninstall and reinstall completely WeMod app, nothing change. Then I use the option to search for the executable close to the “Play” button then select the game executable in the Steam folder (yes, I own a paid and legal copy of the game if you want to know) and then, TADA! Now I can click on “Play” and even without launching the game from Steam first. Using the “Play” button to launch the game and the trainer works. Problem solved. Don’t know why this is happening, the game is correctly detected by WeMod app because it says “Compatible” and appear in the left panel in installed games. A little weird but here it is, if somebody else encounter this issue, maybe trying this solution can help.

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Anyone has issues with the teleport issue putting you in the middle of the sea instead of where you try to port to?

last night i run the cheat
and it stuck in the infinite loading when you click the “Play” button
without actually loading the cheats
even after 2 hours of gameplay

Hey @Darizuka. :slight_smile:

Make sure you have a legitimately purchased copy of the game from Steam which is up to date and that you’re not attempting to use the trainer online.

Then try this: Launch the game first, wait on the main menu for five minutes, alt+tab to WeMod and press Play, then alt+tab back to the game.

We have tested this trainer and found it not working. It is in our queue to be updated :slight_smile:

We still don’t offer any ETAs though :stuck_out_tongue: