Help Out Nookie!

Some of you may have heard about the recent floods in Australia recently, they are terrible and from what has appeared on the news, a form of “inland tsunami” has torn through many populous areas. One of these areas is where Nookie, our beloved friend and staff member lives. His home and family have been affected by the disaster, and he has been forced to evacuate his family and keep watch over his home.

Therefore, I will be collecting donations in an attempt to help out Nookie in any way possible, even the smallest amount can help. You may contact me directly or send money through paypal to - Please contact me if and when you donate!

Donations are not everything, moral support is bigger than anything money can provide. I ask all of you to message Nookie or write on his visitor wall, encouraging him and helping him through these tough times. He may not respond, he is very busy; but all is appreciated! Thank you all for you care in his time of need!


Man, I’m sorry for him and his family:/


Link To Nookie’s Visitor Page ~ Drop by And Message Him

This is very sad! I saw the video in school and it was terrible! I hope Nookie is okay.

We all Love you Nookie. Be safe!

Everyone please donate!

This is what Nookie is going through!

Stay in their nookie .
Us and u will make it through with eachotther.

Hope him and his family is ok

Edit: I donated

I donate this.

Hope he floats.

that’s kinda mest up IMO

I really want to find you and hit you in the face so many times you go brain-dead, this is a catastrophe and your sitting here making boat jokes…i hope your dead body floats…:cry:

did he die?

I donated $20. I hope more people are willing to donate.
Hope everything comes out fine, we love you Nookie, your my hero.

Well Lets Help him out and Pray For Him. And the people in Australia

I just donated 5.00$ It isnt much but it counts!

sorry about my earlier post lolvo, that made me pretty mad, anyways if i had money i would donate, but sadly im 16 and have no job(which needs to change), if I stumble upon some money though, ill send it his way in a heartbeat, he needs it more than I do.


Must be bad to feel what Nookies going through.
I hope he and his family recovers from this.

I Sent Nookie a Condolences PM.

hopefully he’ll get message lol.
otherwise, be safe Nookie!!

He’s a great person going to the bank tomarow and giving some money love you man hope you are ok

Oh man, this is terrible. I had no idea, I had wondered where he’s been because he is always online. I hope he and his family pull through this. Much love bro!

I wish I had something to donate :confused:.
Love yuh Nookster! no homo.

<3 you nookie. Be safe! hope our donations help (:

I don’t know how much you guys see on the news about these floods, but they are hectic. The destruction similar to the New Orleans disaster.

I have seen everything from cars being washed down streets, a restaurant wash down the river, houses to the peak of the roof underwater, people stranded on roofs of cars and houses. It’s just utterly horrible what they are facing up there in QLD. Not to mention the deaths of over 12 people. With countless people still unaccounted for. None of this is going away anytime too soon either, as QLD continue to have flooding, a lot of it is south bound which means possible mass flooding in NSW and even VIC, which would knock our economy around so badly.

So thank you and well done Lolvo for showing this support for Nookie! Because as you stated he is dangerously close to going underwater. But I also think we need think about the thousands upon thousands of people that have been left without homes, stuck in an evacuation center.

One more note, you can not ever realize how much even a small donation means, not just to Nookie, but to everyone affected by this. QLD is going to need BILLIONS to clean up this mess, along with months and months of rebuilding. So every single thing counts and is so appreciated, truly.