HITMAN Cheats and Trainer for Steam



freezing enimies crashes game

The HITMAN cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Hello,HITMAN 1 or HITMAN 2 have a anti-cheat ?So if you use this trainer you can be banned or something ?

Trying to use cheat, but game says required to play online. every time activating a cheat will cause the game to crash instantly, what should i do, thanks

This trainer most likely needs an update, the best way to do that is to vote for it in the WeMod app by using the image button and selecting the amount of votes you’d like to contribute :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, for some reason, the game began to fly out steadily when i pressed Num 2, i have a Steam version. I tried to change the key, but all the same, when the invisibility function is turned on, the game crashes.

Game frequently crashes with trainer activated (I only use Ghost mode). At least seven times in the past two days. I’m using the Steam version of the game.

Hello @ProKona and welcome to the community.

Hitman (2016) is actually rather well known to be a crashy game. The Xbox console version of the game also regularly freezes.
It’s is quite unlikely that WeMod is the cause of your crashes, mostly because trainers actually do not touch the game in any way (they just alter memory addresses in your computer’s RAM).

Here are some third-party threads to show you the game will crash constantly whether you use WeMod or not. There might be some troubleshooting in them for you:

The HITMAN cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

can you make a version for epic games

Vote for it in the WeMod desktop app. :slight_smile:
If you don’t see the option to do so, wait a while for the system to catch up and add it to the WeMod library for voting. The game was only released on Epic a few hours ago. :slight_smile:

This is to all the mod makers here… :raised_hands: :clap:
You guys do an amazing job with these mods and you really don’t have to create anything since the standard is free. So I commend you for creating these mods and putting up with the crap I saw in this thread…to those complaining…get a life, they don’t have to make these so if you get one, be lucky and if you don’t play a different game. I’m looking forward to seeing this mod on the request list for Epic.


was wondering if anyone was making it for epic games ? thanks!

The HITMAN cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

hi, I am planning to get the original hitman game and was worried that the cheats wouldn’t work for the GOTY edition, My question is does the cheats work for GOTY edition or no? This might be a dumb question but I am new to the hitman series

Hitman crashes constantly, works for a few minutes-freezes -then crashes.

same problem mate

Now that the Trilogy is on Game Pass wil there be trainers for the Xbox app versions?