Horizon | How to Mod Your Gears of War: Judgment Campaign!

Emergence Day just unleashed hell upon the people of Sera. A young Lieutenant named Damon Baird and his team, Kilo Squad, must square off against an indomitable locust villain to save a city and its people, and no rules or orders are going to stand in their way.

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1. Start by moving your GearsCheckpoint from your HDD (Xbox 360) to a USB.

(How to move your Campaign Save to a USB from your HDD)

[details=Open Me]Reminder: I am using a Halo 4 Game Save as and example.

• From your dashboard go to System Settings, Storage, once done locate “Hard Drive”

• Scroll down till you find your Gears of War 3 Campaign Save

• Once you have selected your Save, locate and select “Move”

Example: Save

• It should give you the option to select another device, make sure to move the save to your USB, once done it should look something like this.

• Make sure your Save moved successfully to your device.


2. Open your Device in the Device explorer in Horizon

Note: Make sure to format your device to work with your Xbox 360 and Horizon.

(How to format your device to work with your Xbox and Horizon)

[details=Open Me]• From your dashboard go to System Settings>Storage and locate your USB Storage Device.

• Once you have chosen your USB Storage Device, it should give you two options.

Option 1: Configure Now

Option 2: Customize

• Select Option 1 ( Configure Now )

Note: Make sure you have moved any Game Saves, Profiles back to your HDD before Configuring!

• Once you successfully configured your Device a message should pop up.

• Your device is now ready to be used with your Xbox 360 and Horizon!


3. Once done open your “Game Folder” select your Game Save.

And select:

Once you successfully opened the save, the editor should automatically open up.

Character Data


1. Here are the Characters that are currently with you on your mission. They mostly consist of Baird, Cole, Paduk, Sofia (Kilo Squad)

You can also edit the current character that you are playing as.

Example: I’m playing as Baird (Young), I can easily switch over to the epic reaper by selecting the scroll down tab, and choosing your character of choice.

Open Me

Reminder: Make sure to double check the current Check Point you are currently in:


2. The weapons option is very unique and can be very useful if done correctly basically, you can edit what starting Grenade, primary, and secondary weapons you have, as well as the amount of it by selecting the drop down tab, and choosing your weapon of choice.

Open Me

Note: You can max everything out by selecting:


3. Here you can edit the amount of individual score, and team score you have for that selected checkpoint.

4. You can also edit the amount of kills, deaths, revives you have for that selected checkpoint.

Select: to max out each stats!

Reminder: You can also edit the amount of health you have, the health option can be very useful when it comes to more difficult chosen mode as well as boss rounds.


5. Location lets you choose where you spawn in the mission.

Note: Should not be messed with unless you know what you’re doing, you can easily spawn outside the mission and mess the mission up.

Example: X=-66, Y=53, Z=15.85, you can easily boost Campaign Commendations if you know the right Coordinates for that mission.

6. Once you modified your campaign to your pleasing, select the move your GearsCheckpoint back to your HDD in your Xbox360!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

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Awesome tutorial as always, Hero!

Why don’t you two just stop sucking each others dick to realize that making tutorials for this site/tool is a waste of time?

would modding your stats be okay… without a ban, cuz i dont want another gow3 again

Awesome,Thank you,looking forward to some gears tonight…

Coud you use the location part to load up a save at the begining of a mission and then teleport to the end and get it completed on any difficulty ie insane ?

Yes, however the objectives still need to be completed.

Nicely done sir, very detailed and I’m very thankful.

You’re unable to actually play as the Epic Reaper or any other character. Sad face :anguished: But it says in the ‘Notice’ option.

very nice, just wondering got any recommendations of what weapons to use

Can we use this to level up then or does the score just show up to our friends for bragging rights?

Do stats sync with the player data?

no all this does is your campaign doesn’t effect your stats

Every time I try and mod my campaign save a error message keeps popping up saying,
“Exception of type, System.Out.OfMemory.Was.Thrown” Please help!

are you trying to add a weapon or person that you havnt yet unlocked in that chapter

No I mean as soon as I click on my saved campaigns and try to mod it, that message pops up before I can do anything.

if your clicking player data that message will pop up, choose the saved campaign

Plenty of the weapons come up either missing or do not work. One for instance is the boomshot turret. all the turrets dont seem to work as a primary or secondary weapon.
Booshka doesnt work either.

However this tool is awesome!

Nice guide Hero as usual.

I believe the developers are currently working on fixing both the model and weapons part of the editor.

Note: You can still use some models, but not all work. Also, weapons like gnasher, lancer etc. still work.

Okay well ill be looking forward to see the weapons in action.

Yeah sure the default weapons work fine. Just finishing Campaign on Insane using the infinite grenades etc. :wink: Easy Peasy.

The weapon has to be in the mission your doing or it won’t show up. Just like if you where to set the Epic Reaper as your character it wouldn’t work because he’s not in the campaign