Horizon Wont install NEED HELP "setup.msi"

I click OK and it just shows me the error and that im missing the “Setup.msi”

Please help me!

Nothing we can do to fix it sadly. Something is just wrong with your system.

what do you mean?

do you think you can send the the horizon file installed and i have it installed on my pc and have it? because i also tried a diamond account one but my usb wont show up thats the only one that works.

I have tried sending the setup.msi file to people, it didn’t help.

what about just the horizon file? the part thats downloaded

Just send him the entire Horizon install file instead of the setup file.

I can’t, something got messed up and I can’t reinstall horizon.

can you sned me it? sNaKe cant?

I fixed it man no need to worry


Good you got it fixed. The installer decided to work for me now. Bugs really do sort themselves out.